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WebAppProject - Online Library Management System


The Online Library Management System is used to manage all textbooks at the library and all textbooks rented by student. It will have CRUD methods, and be able to give a list of rented books, and overdue textbooks. Also, it can check the the textbook reserved by student to pick up. Maybe, if a textbook is available in pdf format, it will give students a link to download it. Students may have their own textbook rental dashboard that helps them keep track of textbook's return date. Also, they may reserve a textbook online and come to pick it up at the library, and a controller will tell make a text book as reserved status in the database.

How it works?

As a librarian:

  • Be able to create, update, read, and delete textbooks
  • Be able to check a list of rented textbooks, a list of overdue textbooks, and a list of reserved textbooks
  • Send an email to a student to remind them to return the textbook
  • thinking more ....

As a student:

  • Be able to see what they are renting and the return date.
  • Get a notification if they have a overdue textbook
  • Reserve a textbook online. Within 1 day, if they don't pick up, the reservation will be cancelled.
  • Search for textbooks and maybe get a link to download it if it is a free pdf file.
  • Extend the textbook rental if there are more than 3 same textbooks available.

Database Context:

Student Table - DbSet<> Student

  • StudentID - int
  • StudentFirstName - strintg
  • StudentLastName - string
  • StudentEmail - string

Librarian Table - DbSet<> Librarian

  • LibrarianID - int
  • LibrarianFirstName - string
  • LibrarianLastName - string
  • LibrarianEmail - string
  • LibrarianPassword - string (for log in and security purpose)

Librarian Book - DbSet<> Book

  • BookID - string
  • BookName - string
  • Author - string
  • Edition - string
  • ISBN - long
  • Subject - string
  • PublicDate - DateTime
  • Format - String
  • NumOfpages - int

Librarian RentedBook - DbSet<> RentedBook

  • Student ID - int
  • BookID - int
  • IssueDate - DateTime
  • ReturnDate - DateTime

There may be more tables as the progress continues

WebApp1b - Updated (07/20/2019):

What's done:

  • Almost completed the front-end
    • Please note: the search bar is displayed visually, but still not functional
  • Implemented CRUD methods for book database as librarian
  • Student now can check what they are renting
  • Created tables for database

For Student page, the current student on the dashboard is #ID 2, which is John. To get the student ID with ID# 1 show up, you may need to change asp-route-id=1 on the navigation bar at _Layout.cshtml (Views/Shared/_Layout.cshtml). Therefore, the For Students need a login page for each student to manage their own textbook rental.


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