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Django DevOps


  • Generate Django project template (base on two scoops)
  • Django 1.7
  • Celery
  • Redis (cache + queue)
  • Postgresql
  • Chef
  • Vagrant
  • Server deployment (fabric)


  • python (> 2.7)
  • pip
  • vagrant
  • ruby (gem)
  • xcode command line (Mac OS users)
  • chef-dk


Init project structure

mkdir <project_name> && cd <project_name>
curl | bash
cookiecutter # type your project information

Install needed gem

gem install bundler
bundle install

Update system configuration

Update chef configuration inside chef-files if needed, including:

  1. update app_name attribute: chef_files/data_bags/globals/webapp_info.json (note: app_name must be equal with your current django folder that's be create use cookiecutter above)
  2. create new envs folder: create new env forlder inside chef_files/data_bags & add databag item for any env attribute, pls refer to folder dev_envs for example

Development env with Vagrant

vagrant up
vagrant ssh

Security with encrypted_data_bag

  1. Create secrect key: openssl rand -base64 512 > ~/.chef/encrypted_data_bag_secret
  2. For development env (vagrant) add line chef.encrypted_data_bag_secret_key_path = "~/.chef/encrypted_data_bag_secret" between line 28 & 41 to Vagrantfile
  3. Create your databag item file (json format) e.g. file at ~/.chef/aws_key.json with content { "id":"aws_access_key", "KEY":"AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID", "VALUE":"AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID_VALUE"} Note: this file should not be commited to git. id should be your databag item name we will create step #4
  4. Create encrypted databag item file: EDITOR=vi knife solo data bag create dev_envs aws_access_key --json-file ~/.chef/aws_key.json --secret-file ~/.chef/encrypted_data_bag_secret After this step, you will see a json file inside data_bags/dev_envs with encrypted content
  5. Let's set value of webapp => databag => encrypted attribute to true (inside your environment file), so chef know should read this data_bag with encrypted method
  6. For deployment, please refer to commends from line 24 to 26 in & line 6 to 8 in chef_files/.chef/knife.rb


  1. Make sure you workstation can connect to remote servers a. Use key pem: add path to key pem file to each env func in fabfile (staging, prod, uat), env.key_filename = <your path> b. Add your public rsa key to server

  2. Create server_config.json file, add server addresses, role to each & create group of servers want to deploy, below is format

    { "django-chef-example": { "host": "", "user": "root", "node": "allin" }, "dev_servers": ["django-chef-example"] }

  3. Init environemnts files, includes requirements.txt & django config. e.g. If you want deploy staging env, create file inside django_project/config folder & create staging.txt inside requirements

  4. Init servers with command

    fab <env> s:<group> init_node

    with env is your env (staging, dev, prod, uat), and group is name of group server e.g. dev_servers This command will install chef, copy needed files & cook nodes. Servers will be ready after this command

  5. For next time deployment, run command: fab <env> s:<group> deploy

Use fab --list to see list of commands can be used.

Folder structure

Local Repository

  1. chef-files: contains chef configuration + cookbooks
  2. backup: contains backup files (excluse all file in this folder)
  3. deployment scripts
  4. Vagrantfile: vagrant configuration
  5. app_name: django project you created with cookiecutter command
  6. requirements.txt: needed tools for init project

Remote Server

Assume ubuntu is your deploy user

  1. /home/ubuntu/repos/webapp: git repository of project
  2. /home/ubuntu/bin: helpers bash script
  3. /home/ubuntu/<app_name>: django project folder (this is a link created from source path /home/ubuntu/repos/webapp/<app_name>)
  4. /home/ubuntu/ bash script allow to run celery command (if you want to use this command on server, make sure current pointer located at /home/ubuntu/<app_name>/<app_name> path)
  5. /home/ubuntu/ bash script allow to run gunicorn web command
  6. /home/ubuntu/logs: contains all log files, including celery & web


  1. Could not determine Berks version

    Install chefdk export PATH=/opt/chefdk/bin:$PATH #/opt/chefdk/bin needs to be present before your RBENV bits.