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README for the shansyn package: spherical harmonic analysis and synthesis

for license and copyrights, see the file COPYRIGHT.

Copyright (C) 1999 - 2021 Thorsten W. Becker

---- Third party additions ---

- BWGSH: Generalized spherical harmonics analysis and synthesis routines

from Boschi and Woodhouse (2006), here provided as a standalone package


- shsyn-xsection was originally contributed by Lukas Heiniger on

22.06.10. Copyright 2010


This is the README file with brief instructions for installation and usage of the 'shansyn' package of spherical harmonics analysis and synthesis tools for UNIX/GMT environments, hereafter simply referred to as shansyn. For the copyrights for various parts of shansyn, which might or might not be held by me, see the file COPYRIGHT.


shansyn is expected to work properly, has been tested over several years, but is still in research state, and not 'officially' released or properly documented. This means that you might experience some difficulty in installing and/or running the software. However, people were able to use this code on various platforms without much effort, and results were reproduced etc.

Since there are other, better documented packages out there such as SHTOOLS, development of new features is somewhat on hold. This software came out of a class project twenty years ago, so the coding is not very elegant. However, everything is expected to work and should be helpful in dealing with, for example, the spherical harmonic models of the Becker and Boschi (G-Cubed, 2002) compilation.

Should you have problems with the compile, the UGESCE VirtualBox distribution at

also has shansyn installed.


A) spherical harmonic analysis: shana can use simplex integration, and Gaussian integration, but not inverse FFT for longitudes (no reason).

If you want to determine coefficients by least squares, shana can produce the A matrix for |Ax-y| -> 0, rudimentary matrix inversion is now built in.

B) spherical harmonic synthesis: shsyn can use efficient inverse FFT, and simple summation.

Most programs tell the user what they do when they are invoked with the '-h' option and most routines are fairly thoroughly tested to work up to very high (~>300) degrees. However, you might still get confusing and/or erroneous results due to inappropriate usage or programming errors.

Please notify me if you find any bugs or inconsistencies. However, please also try to solve the problem first yourself since I do not have much time for 'support'. Thanks! And: No guarantees whatsoever.


You will have to have netcdf and GMT installed to compile most of the tools. If -DUSE_LAPACK is defined for matrix least squares inversion capabilities, you will need LAPACK/BLAS installed. If you don't know what I'm talking about, ask your systems administrator.

  • ARCH:

To compile all programs, first define an environment variable ARCH, and then type 'make' in the shansyn directory. ARCH should reflect your hardware, such as

setenv ARCH x86_64

for 64 bit Linux. If you're using csh/tcsh, for example, you could put a statement like

setenv ARCH uname -m | gawk '{print(tolower($1))}'

in your .cshrc to set this environment variable automatically.

  • FLAGS in machine_dependent.$ARCH.m

To adjust compilation flags, modify the file machine_dependent.$ARCH.m that gets read in from the Makefile like so

include machine_dependent.$(ARCH).m

to suit your local settings and compiler flags. I.e. modify machine_dependent.$ARCH.m and not the makefile itself.


To compile against GMT version < 5, define USE_GMT4 as described in the Makefile


There are comments in the example files given, refer to them for further instructions. Successful compilations have been reported under LINUX, Mac OS-X, IRIX, and Solaris.

   In particular,  GMTHOME and NETCDFDIR:

   The makefile looks in $(GMTHOME)/src/ for the GMT include
   files, and searches in $(NETCDFDIR)/include/ for the netcdf.h
   files. Libraries are expected in $(GMTHOME)/lib/ and

   Should you want LAPACK inversion built in, you also need 
   to define MATHLIBS, to something like "-llapack -lblas -lm"

   Here are example Intel and GNU compiler setups:

if [ $use_intel -eq 1 ];then export F77=ifort export F90=$F77 export CC=icc export LDFLAGS="-lm" export CFLAGS="-O3 -DLINUX_SUBROUTINE_CONVENTION" export CFLAGS_DEBUG="-g -DLINUX_SUBROUTINE_CONVENTION" export FFLAGS="-O3 -fpp -nofor-main" export FFLAGS_DEBUG="-g -fpp -nofor-main" export F90FLAGS=$FFLAGS export F90FLAGS_DEBUG=$FFLAGS_DEBUG export F_EXT_SOURCE_FLAG=-extend_source export FTRN_LIB="-lifcore" export MATHLIBS="-mkl"

else export F77=gfortran export F90=$F77 export CC=gcc export LDFLAGS="-lm" export CFLAGS="-O3 -DLINUX_SUBROUTINE_CONVENTION" export CFLAGS_DEBUG="-g -DLINUX_SUBROUTINE_CONVENTION" export FFLAGS="-O3 -x f77-cpp-input" export FFLAGS_DEBUG="-g -x f77-cpp-input" export F90FLAGS="-O3 -x f95-cpp-input" export F90FLAGS_DEBUG="-O3 -x f95-cpp-input" export F_EXT_SOURCE_FLAG=-ffixed-line-length-132 export FTRN_LIB=-lgfortran export MATHLIBS="-llapack -lblas" fi

None of the compiler flags are special, but note that the .F files use C style reprocessor directives, and those need to be enabled, for gfortran by using

-x f77-cpp-input

  • compilation with "make"

Various tools should be compiled and then put into the 'bin/$ARCH/' directory where ARCH is the architecture flag. After compilation, you should put the aforementioned directory in your path as defined in the .cshrc or similar. I will assume you have done that in the remainder.


The main programs are 'shana' and 'shsyn' for spherical harmonic analysis and synthesis (go from spatial data to spherical harmonic coefficients and vice versa, respectively). All program use the theoretical physics normalization for real spherical harmonics as in Dahlen and Tromp ('Theoretical Global Seismology', Princeton University Press, Appendix B.8 and p. 859, 1998). You can use 'abconvert' to convert to other formats, though. All other binaries might be of limited interest to the general public, but see below for the Becker & Boschi tomography format. Again, you can obtain a short man page from each program by typing 'program -h'.



shana 40 etopo5.0.25 > etopo5.40.ab

Take the GMT grd file etopo5.0.25.grd and expand it up to
l_{max}=40, write the result in the standard ASCII format to
the file etopo5.40.ab.


cat etopo5.40.ab | abconvert 2 > etopo5.40.pwr

Compute the power per degree and unit area as in Dahlen and
Tromp (1998, B.8) and write the result in ASCII format to


cat etopo5.40.ab | shsyn 1 0 etopo5.40

Expand the spherical harmonic coefficients in etopo5.40.ab on
a 1 degree by 1 degree grd file named etopo5.40.grd using
simple summing. 


    shana 50 d.1 > d1.ab ; shana 50 d.2 > d2.ab; cat d1.ab d2.ab | abconvert 5

Compute the correlation per degree and unit area up to L=50 for
GMT grd files d.1.grd and d.2.grd.


Shansyn also comes with several program that deal with 'model' files, i.e. sets of spherical harmonics expansions at different depth levels as used, for example, in describing scalar fields such as wave speed anomalies in a 3-D geometry, e.g. the Earth's mantle. The scalar model file format is described on

and the corresponding Becker & Boschi (G-Cubed, 2002) article. This web page has a number of tomographic models, an updated tomography model repository can be found as part of SEATREE


The following programs deal with model files:

extract_layer: extract a layer from the model file. Uses linear inter-
		and extrapolation if not told else wise. 

cmodelpower: calculate the spectral power of a model per depth

cmodelmeancorr: calculate the mean correlation between two

cmodelcorr: calculate the correlation between models per depth

cradialcorr: calculate the radial correlation function of a

extract_model_depths: extract the depths of the expansion
	layers of a model

scale_model: scale all layers of a model with scalar

modmodellmax: modify the nominal L_max of a model file

sh_to_grds: convert a spherical harmonics model to a set of grd files

grds_to_sh: convert a set of grd files (e.g. tomographic model
slices at different depths to a .m.ab spherical harmonics


extract_layer s362d1.31.m.ab 500 | shsyn 1 1 d.500

	extract spherical harmonics expansion layer at depth
	500 from model file s362d1.31.m.ab and expand at one
	degree resolution into GMT grd file named d.500.grd

There are also versions of these tools than can deal with generalized spherical harmonics models, indicated by the _gsh ending of the program name:

cmodelcorr_gsh cmodelpower_gsh cradialcorr_gsh extract_layer_gsh extract_model_depths_gsh

  • Third party additions

    • shansyn can process and analyze generalized spherical harmonics models, but not expand them. The latter functionality is provided by the bwgsh package, by Boschi and Woodhouse (2006).

    • shsyn-xsection and plot_xsection: extract cross sections directly from .ab file, by L. Heiniger. Broken in most recent reorganization of code.

This is clearly not an exhaustive description of usage but should get you started. Good luck.