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This is an automated cherry-pick of pingcap#44377
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ti-chi-bot committed Jun 4, 2023
1 parent ac8669c commit fb7dc7d
Showing 1 changed file with 118 additions and 0 deletions.
118 changes: 118 additions & 0 deletions OWNERS
@@ -0,0 +1,118 @@
# See the OWNERS docs at
- 3pointer
- AilinKid
- amyangfei
- AndreMouche
- AndrewDi
- andylokandy
- b41sh
- bb7133
- breezewish
- c4pt0r
- cbcwestwolf
- cfzjywxk
- chrysan
- coocood
- crazycs520
- Deardrops
- Defined2014
- disksing
- djshow832
- dveeden
- Ehco1996
- ekexium
- eurekaka
- francis0407
- fzhedu
- glorv
- gozssky
- guo-shaoge
- hanfei1991
- hawkingrei
- ichn-hu
- imtbkcat
- jackysp
- joccau
- kennytm
- lance6716
- lcwangchao
- Leavrth
- lichunzhu
- Little-Wallace
- liuzix
- lonng
- lysu
- lzmhhh123
- mjonss
- mmyj
- morgo
- MyonKeminta
- ngaut
- nrc
- overvenus
- qiuyesuifeng
- qw4990
- rebelice
- Reminiscent
- shenli
- siddontang
- sticnarf
- SunRunAway
- sylzd
- tangenta
- tiancaiamao
- time-and-fate
- tisonkun
- windtalker
- winkyao
- winoros
- wjhuang2016
- wshwsh12
- xhebox
- xiongjiwei
- XuHuaiyu
- xuyifangreeneyes
- yangkeao
- Yisaer
- you06
- youjiali1995
- YuJuncen
- zanmato1984
- zhouqiang-cl
- zimulala
- zwj-coder
- zyguan
- zz-jason
- aytrack
- Benjamin2037
- bobotu
- BornChanger
- ChenPeng2013
- dhysum
- fixdb
- fzzf678
- hi-rustin
- JmPotato
- js00070
- lamxTyler
- LittleFall
- longfangsong
- mengxin9014
- mornyx
- nolouch
- pingyu
- rleungx
- SeaRise
- shihongzhi
- spongedu
- tangwz
- Tjianke
- TonsnakeLin
- tsthght
- TszKitLo40
- zhangjinpeng1987
- zhongzc
- zhuo-zhi

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