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Dingwen Feng edited this page Jul 12, 2017 · 6 revisions

Instructions for development

Fork to your own github

  To join us in development, you should at first fork this project to you own github. Just open the project page, and click the "Fork" button on the upper-right area of the page.
  In the notification window just choose your own github account. Of course the image below is just an example.
  And it's done! Yor'll see a page that shows a copy of the project but the owner is you!

Clone your own copy locally and start coding

  Now you can clone a copy of your own project to your local directory, like cloning in Eclipse. And then enjoy coding!

Push to your own repository

  When you have programmed some codes, you can push them to your own repository in order to merge them into "tianjin-university/eshop-tieics2916".

Make a pull request

  Once you have pushed your codes to your own repository, you can make a pull request at the project's pull request page, and click the green button "New pull request". And then click "compare across forks". And you should choose "tianjin-university/eshop-tieics2916" as the base fork and "{$yourname}/eshop-tieics2016" as the head fork. Remember to add a breif message to tell us what you have coded.