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path_utilities: Adjust GetContainingPackage() and Edk2Path behavior (#…
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Updates the Edk2Path constructor with the following changes:

- Avoid changing global object state during intermediary validation
  operations. If an exception were returned or execution is otherwise
  interrupted the `PackagePathList` and `WorkspacePath` will have
  predictable values only set once validation succeeds.
- Raise a `NotADirectoryError` exception on invalid directory input.
  This allows the caller to implement more focused exception handling.
- Update the definition of a package to be a directory with a .dec file
  and use that as the basis for detecting nested packages.
- Update the nested package path algorithm to fix #183 and prevent
  exceeding ascension in the directory hierarchy beyond the maximum
  root directory being compared.
- Minor documentation cleanup.

Update GetContainingPackage() with the following changes:

- Only return a containing package if a file is in a directory with
  a .dec file. Avoid returning directory parents outside edk2
  packages. Closes #185.
- Minor documentation cleanup.

Updates both functions to remove superfluous logging and leave it to
the caller to manage logging messages based on the context of the
actions they are trying to perform.

Updates unit tests to align with updated function expectations.

Signed-off-by: Michael Kubacki <>
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makubacki committed Nov 9, 2022
1 parent c09b298 commit 9963ecf
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198 changes: 100 additions & 98 deletions edk2toollib/uefi/edk2/
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import os
import logging
import fnmatch
import glob
import errno
from typing import Iterable
from pathlib import Path

class Edk2Path(object):
"""Represents edk2 file paths.
Class to help convert from absolute path to EDK build path
using workspace and packagepath variables.
Can be used to resolve relative paths.
Class that helps perform path operations within an EDK workspace.

def __init__(self, ws: os.PathLike, packagepathlist: Iterable[os.PathLike], error_on_invalid_pp: bool = True):
def __init__(self, ws: os.PathLike, package_path_list: Iterable[os.PathLike],
error_on_invalid_pp: bool = True):
ws (os.PathLike): absolute path or cwd relative path of the workspace.
packagespathlist (Iterable[os.PathLike]): list of packages path.
package_path_list (Iterable[os.PathLike]): list of packages path.
Entries can be Absolute path, workspace relative path, or CWD relative.
error_on_invalid_pp (bool): default value is True. If packages path value is invalid raise exception
error_on_invalid_pp (bool): default value is True. If packages path
value is invalid raise exception.
(NotADirectoryError): Invalid workspace or package path directory.
self.WorkspacePath = ws
self.logger = logging.getLogger("Edk2Path")
if (not os.path.isabs(ws)):
self.WorkspacePath = os.path.abspath(os.path.join(os.getcwd(), ws))

if (not os.path.isdir(self.WorkspacePath)):
self.logger.error("Workspace path invalid. {0}".format(ws))
raise Exception("Workspace path invalid. {0}".format(ws))

# Set PackagePath
self.PackagePathList = list()
for a in packagepathlist:
if (os.path.isabs(a)):

# Other code is dependent the following types, so keep it that way:
# - self.PackagePathList: List[str]
# - self.WorkspacePath: str

self.PackagePathList = []
self.WorkspacePath = ""

workspace_candidate_path = Path(ws)

if not workspace_candidate_path.is_absolute():
workspace_candidate_path = Path(os.getcwd(), ws)

if not workspace_candidate_path.is_dir():
raise NotADirectoryError(

self.WorkspacePath = str(workspace_candidate_path)

candidate_package_path_list = []
for a in package_path_list:
if os.path.isabs(a):
# see if workspace relative
wsr = os.path.join(ws, a)
if (os.path.isdir(wsr)):
wsr = Path(self.WorkspacePath, a)
if wsr.is_dir():
# assume current working dir relative. Will catch invalid dir when checking whole list
self.PackagePathList.append(os.path.abspath(os.path.join(os.getcwd(), a)))
candidate_package_path_list.append(Path(os.getcwd(), a))

error = False
for a in self.PackagePathList[:]:
if (not os.path.isdir(a)):
self.logger.log(logging.ERROR if error_on_invalid_pp else logging.WARNING,
"Invalid package path entry {0}".format(a))
self.PackagePathList.remove(a) # remove invalid path
for a in candidate_package_path_list[:]:
if not a.is_dir():
self.logger.log(logging.ERROR if error_on_invalid_pp else
f"Invalid package path entry {a.resolve()}")
error = True

# report error
if (error and error_on_invalid_pp):
raise Exception("Invalid package path directory(s)")

# for each package path, trace from packagepath to the
# either the workspace root or filesystem root and verify
# no *.DEC file exists. This would signify a nested package.
for package_path in self.PackagePathList:
p = Path(package_path)
ws = self.WorkspacePath
while p != p.parent:
if str(p).lower() == str(ws).lower():
if len(glob.glob(f'{p}/*dec')) != 0:
raise Exception(f'Nested packages not allowed. Pkg path [{package_path}] nested in Package [{p}]')
p = p.parent
self.PackagePathList = [str(p) for p in candidate_package_path_list]

if error and error_on_invalid_pp:
raise NotADirectoryError(errno.ENOENT, os.strerror(errno.ENOENT),

# Nested package check - ensure packages do not exist in a linear
# path hierarchy.
# 1. Build a dictionary for each package path.
# - Key = Package path
# - Value = List of packages discovered in package path
# 2. Enumerate all keys in dictionary checking if any package
# is relative (nested) to each other.
# 3. Raise an Exception if two packages are found to be nested.
package_path_packages = {}
for package_path in candidate_package_path_list:
package_path_packages[package_path] = \
[Path(p).parent for p in package_path.glob('**/*.dec')]

for package_path, packages in package_path_packages.items():
for i, package in enumerate(packages):
for j in range(i + 1, len(packages)):
comp_package = packages[j]

if (package.is_relative_to(comp_package)
or comp_package.is_relative_to(package)):
raise Exception(
f"Nested packages not allowed. The packages "
f"[{str(package)}] and [{str(comp_package)}] are "

def GetEdk2RelativePathFromAbsolutePath(self, abspath):
"""Given an absolute path return a edk2 path relative to workspace or packagespath.
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -163,7 +192,7 @@ def GetAbsolutePathOnThisSystemFromEdk2RelativePath(self, relpath, log_errors=Tr

return None

def GetContainingPackage(self, InputPath):
def GetContainingPackage(self, InputPath: str) -> str:
"""Find the package that contains the given path.
This isn't perfect but at least identifies the directory consistently.
Expand All @@ -172,75 +201,48 @@ def GetContainingPackage(self, InputPath):
InputPath (str): absolute path to a file, directory, or module.
supports both windows and linux like paths
supports both windows and linux like paths.
(str): Name of Package that the module is in.
(str): name of the package that the module is in.
self.logger.debug("GetContainingPackage: %s" % InputPath)
# Make a list that has the path case normalized for comparison.
# This only does anything on Windows
NormCasePackagesPathList = [os.path.normcase(x) for x in self.PackagePathList]

# check InputPath to make sure it is at least in the folder structure of the code tree
if os.path.normcase(self.WorkspacePath) not in os.path.normcase(InputPath):
# not in workspace - check all the packages paths
found_in_pp = False
for p in NormCasePackagesPathList:
# Note: This only does anything on Windows
package_paths = [os.path.normcase(x) for x in self.PackagePathList]
workspace_path = os.path.normcase(self.WorkspacePath)

# 1. Handle the case that InputPath is not in the workspace tree
path_root = None
if workspace_path not in os.path.normcase(InputPath):
for p in package_paths:
if p in os.path.normcase(InputPath):
found_in_pp = True
path_root = p
if (not found_in_pp):
self.logger.error(f"{InputPath} not in code tree")"PackagePath is: %s" % os.pathsep.join(self.PackagePathList))"Workspace path is : %s" % self.WorkspacePath)
if not path_root:
return None

# 2. Determine if the path is under a package in the workspace

# Start the search within the first available directory. If provided InputPath is a directory, start there,
# else (if InputPath is a file) move to it's parent directory and start there.
if os.path.isdir(InputPath):
dirpathprevious = str(InputPath)
dirpath = str(InputPath)
dirpathprevious = os.path.dirname(InputPath)
dirpath = os.path.dirname(InputPath)

# InputPath is in workspace or PackagesPath for worst case scenario.
for _ in range(100): # 100 is just a counter to avoid infinite loops. Path nodes are unlikely to exceed 100
# Check for a DEC file in this folder
# if here then return the directory name as the "package"
for f in os.listdir(dirpath):
if fnmatch.fnmatch(f.lower(), '*.dec'):
a = os.path.basename(dirpath)
self.logger.debug("Found DEC file at %s. Pkg is: %s", dirpath, a)
return a

# if at the root of the workspace return the previous dir.
# this catches cases where a package has no DEC
if os.path.normcase(dirpath) == os.path.normcase(self.WorkspacePath):
a = os.path.basename(dirpathprevious)
self.logger.debug("Reached Workspace Path. Using previous directory: %s" % a)
return a

# if at the root of a packagepath return the previous dir.
# this catches cases where a package has no DEC
if os.path.normcase(dirpath) in NormCasePackagesPathList:
a = os.path.basename(dirpathprevious)
self.logger.debug("Reached Package Path. Using previous directory: %s" % a)
return a

dirpathprevious = dirpath
if not path_root:
path_root = workspace_path

while path_root != os.path.normcase(dirpath):
if os.path.exists(dirpath):
for f in os.listdir(dirpath):
if fnmatch.fnmatch(f.lower(), '*.dec'):
a = os.path.basename(dirpath)
return a

dirpath = os.path.dirname(dirpath)

self.logger.error("Failed to find containing package for %s" % InputPath)"PackagePath is: %s" % os.pathsep.join(self.PackagePathList))"Workspace path is : %s" % self.WorkspacePath)
return None

def GetContainingModules(self, InputPath: str) -> list:
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