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Submarine Githooks

Git-hooks used by Tickle


Install the tool by pip3 install submarine-githooks (or if you only have Python 2.7, use pip install submarine-githooks)


Go to your repo folder, then submarine-githooks install. The install command will create .githooks folder for you and link it to replace your .git/hooks

You could also prepare a setup script for your collaborators by submarine-githooks setup-script This command creates a setup-githooks for your collaborators to setup git hooks.

(the install command links the .git/hooks and creates rooms for your git hooks. The script generated by setup-script just does the link thing, assuming rooms for git hooks already exists.)


Submarine will find checkers from Python modules you put under .githooks. All checkers should be an instance of submarine_githooks.checker.Checker, the easiest way to create a checker is:

from submarine_githooks.checker import checker

def a_simple_checker(*args):

and then saves it to .githooks as

You could reference the arguments which will be passed in at following section.

Checker settings

Active hooks

def a_checker(*args):

@checker.active_hooks('pre-commit', 'post-merge')
def another_checker(*args):

def third_checker(*args):

By registering active hooks, the checker will then work only for that type of git hook. (By default, checkers works for all type of git hooks)

In the above example, the first checker works only for pre-commit hook, and the following 2 works for both pre-commit and post-merge.

Reference: git hooks types.

File pattern and extension

def a_checker(*args):

def another_checker(*args):

You can also register supported file types for a checker.

Checker implementation

Once if a checker raises any Python exception, the git hook will exit with a non-zero return code. So, for example, if you want to check all json files are correct and parsable before commit, you could make a checker like:

def pre_commit(git_repo, hook_name, file_path):

So this checker is only active to files which has .json extension, and is only active for pre-commit. If the content is not JSON-parsable (i.e. the json.loads method raises a ValueError exception), the pre-commit hook exits with a non-zero return code. And then the git commit is aborted.

Note, you should use the git_repo object to fetch file content but not read directly from disk because the content you should check is the one which has been added into git index.

Checker function signatrues

from submarine_githooks.checker import checker

def pre_commit(git_repo, hook_name, file_path):
    :param git_repo: a GitRepo instance representing current git repo
    :type git_repo: taskr.contrib.git.GitRepo
    :param hook_name: the hook being executing
    :type hook_name: str
    :param file_path: the path to of a file to be committed
    :type file_path: str

def commit_msg(git_repo, hook_name, commit_message_filepath):
    :param git_repo: a GitRepo instance representing current git repo
    :type git_repo: taskr.contrib.git.GitRepo
    :param hook_name: the hook being executing
    :type hook_name: str
    :param commit_message_filepath: the path to of file holding the commit message
    :type commit_message_filepath: str

def post_merge(git_repo, hook_name, file_path, source_commit, squash_merge):
    :param git_repo: a GitRepo instance representing current git repo
    :type git_repo: taskr.contrib.git.GitRepo
    :param hook_name: the hook being executing
    :type hook_name: str
    :param file_path: the path to of a file which has been merged
    :type file_path: str
    :param source_commit: the commit id of merge source
    :type source_commit: str
    :param squash_merge: a flag indicating this is a squash merge or not
    :type suqsh_merge: bool

def post_checkout(git_repo, hook_name, file_path, source_commit_id, destination_commit_id):
    :param git_repo: a GitRepo instance representing current git repo
    :type git_repo: taskr.contrib.git.GitRepo
    :param hook_name: the hook being executing
    :type hook_name: str
    :param file_path: the path to of a file which is changed during the checkout
    :type file_path: str
    :param source_commit_id: ref of the previous HEAD
    :type source_commit_id: str
    :param destination_commit_id: ref of the new HEAD
    :type destination_commit_id: str

def pre_push(git_repo, hook_name,
             remote_name, remote_url,
             local_ref, local_commit_id,
             remote_ref, remote_commit_id,
    :param git_repo: a GitRepo instance representing current git repo
    :type git_repo: taskr.contrib.git.GitRepo
    :param hook_name: the hook being executing
    :type hook_name: str
    :param remote_name: name of the remote to push to
    :type remote_name: str
    :param remote_url: url of the remote to push to
    :type remote_url: str
    :param local_ref: ref of local branch to be pushed
    :type local_ref: str
    :param local_commit_id: SHA of local branch to be pushed
    :type local_commit_id: str
    :param remote_ref: ref of remote branch to push to
    :type remote_ref: str
    :param remote_commit_id: SHA of remote branch to push to
    :type remote_commit_id: str
    :param branch_deleted_from_local: a flag indicating that local branch has been removed
    :type branch_deleted_from_local: bool
    :param new_branch_to_remote: a flag indicating that this is a new branch to be pushed to remote
    :type new_branch_to_remote: bool

TODO: configurations


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