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Utils library. General C functions.

These functions are common functions I use a lot, enjoy.

Building utils library.

I have compiled this library on several different types of OSes but this has only been tested on Raspberry Pi.

These are pretty much simple C code that should compile without any issues.

To build just type make and the libraries will be placed in the libs directory.

Description of each library.

Each library directory should have a text file that describes the functions calls within the library.

ini - Set of functions to support .ini type files. I use this a lot for storing and retriving configuration data for a program or system.

See file libini.txt for format syntax.

ipcutils - Set of functions or helper functions to help with IPC calls for Semaphores, Message Queues and Shared Memory.

- mem_utils.c, helper functions for shared memory.
- msg_utils.c, helper functions for IPC message queues.
- sem_utils.c, helper functions for semaphores

logUtils - Set of functions or helper functions to help with system logging of program messages.

- logger.c, helper fcuntions for UNIX system logging.

miscUtils - A deverse set of fucntions to help with many types of tasks.

- cqueue.c, circular link list functions, very fast.
- crc32.c, to create a 32 bit CRC value for data given.
- farmhash.c, The Google FarmHash functions.
- gqueue.c, a generic FIFO queue.
- jsmn.c, JSON functions.
- json_utils.c, helper functions for jsmn.c
- listoflists.c, used to great linked list of lists.
- llist.c, simple double linked list functions.
- llqueue.c, simple double linked FIFO list
- mcast_siocket.c, helper fucntions to support multicast packets and addresses.
- sctp_sockets.c, helper functions for the SCTP (Stream Control Transmission Protocol).
- sllist.c, simple single linked list functions.
- tcp_sockets.c, helper functions for TCP protocol
- timefunc.c, helper fucntions to standardize time calls.
- udp_conn_sockets.c, helper functions for UDP connection state.
- udp_sockets.c, helper functions for UDP connectionless state.

mmaputils - Set of functions to support mmap system.

- mmaputils.c, helper functions for mmap system.

rtdutils - Set of functions to support my RTD (Real Time Data) engine. (RTD engine not released yet.)

- idnode.c, RTD functions and structures.

strutils = Set of functions to support strings.

- ascii2binary.c, helper fucntions to convert binaries like int and long to ascii string.
- binary2ascii.c, same as ascii2binary but in reverse.
- bit2str.c, helper functions to convert bits into strings.
- copyutils.c, safe copy string functions.
- ip2str.c, convert an IP address to string and back.
- ipv42hex.c, convert an IP address in binary form to ascii hex.
- kqparse.c, parses a string returning tokens but keeping quoted text together.
- kstrqtok.c, support fucntion for kqparse.c
- mac2str.c, converts MAC address to a string.
- parse.c, parse a string into tokens by give string.
- qparse.c, parse a srting into tokens and keeping quoted string together.
- replace.c, replace a char with another in a string.
- split.c, split string based on char given.
- splitbystr.c, split string based on string given.
- str_match.c, does strcmp on beginging or end of strings, looking for matches.
- strqtok.c, support function for parsing string with quoted tokens.
- tokeniaze.c, tokenizes a string based on char given.
- trim.c, trims the head or tail of a string removing whitepsaces.
- ts_utils.c, returns a date/time with milliseconds.


General utility function in C






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