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Caibin Chen edited this page Oct 7, 2017 · 4 revisions


You need to install the following tools for building JavaComp from source code:

Build the jar

To build the jar, cd to the directory of the source code, then build it with the bazel build command:

bazel build //src/main/java/org/javacomp/server:JavaComp_deploy.jar

The jar file is available at bazel-bin/src/main/java/org/javacomp/server/JavaComp_deploy.jar

Run tests

To run all tests, use the bazel test command:

bazel test ... -k

The -k option allows skipping failed tests.

Code style

JavaComp follows Google Java Style.

Use the Google Java format tool to format the Java code. The script can help formatting all changed .java files.


Several tools are available for helping development.

This script can fix the code styles for .java files and BUILD files. It requires the following tools:

To run it, cd to the repository root directory and run

script/ -f -c

Option -f tells the script to change the files for fixing the style issues. -c means only check the files that are changed but not committed yet.


AstPrinter prints the JCCompilationUnit of a .java file parsed by javac parser. It's useful for debugging and developing FileContentFixer.

To run it, make sure your current directory is in the repository and run:

bazel run //src/main/java/org/javacomp/tool:AstPrinter -- [-f] <java-filename>

<java-filename> is the filename of the .java file. If option -f is present, the content of the .java file will be modified by FileContentFixer before parsing.


ScopePrinter prints the internal representation of a parsed .java file. It's useful for debugging completion or parsing bugs.

To run it, make sure your current directory is in the repository and run:

bazel run //src/main/java/org/javacomp/tool:ScopePrinter -- [-f] <java-filename>

<java-filename> is the filename of the .java file. If option -f is present, the content of the .java file will be modified by FileContentFixer before parsing.