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Releases: tihmstar/tsschecker

Compiled version 304

25 Dec 16:25
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TSS: some minor fixes

Compiled version 212

20 Mar 13:43
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fixed segfault with -l only

Compiled version 170

05 Jan 20:31
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This version is able to save generator for iPhone7/iPhone7+

Compiled version 155

02 Jan 14:22
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Fixed a segfault when doing --list-device without having -d or -B

Compiled version 154

02 Jan 14:04
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Fixed segfault when saving shsh files without specifying boardconfig

Compiled version 153

02 Jan 13:46
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This release now properl handles BuildManifest files which contain multiple devices.
Before this build the first one was picked (which was fine in pre-iOS10 as BuildManifests contained only one device).
With iOS10 apple put multiple devices into one ipsw. This requires to carefully pick the correct BuildIdentity when requesting APTickets. This release handles devicemodel (like iPhone8,1) and boardconfid (like n66map).

Aptickets for iOS10 need to be rerequested with this version.

Note: I switched to different versioning format. The version corresponds to the amout of git commits.

Compiled version

18 Dec 09:13
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  • fixed a bug where hex ecid can't be specified if it only contains digits.
    This was fixed by allowing a "0x" prefix on ecid. So if you ecid contains only digits,
    make sure to prefix "0x". (-e 0x123456)

Compiled version 1.0.6

11 Oct 12:44
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  • minor bugfixes (fixed a crash)

Compiled version 1.0.5

30 Sep 11:58
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  • fixed a bug where generator wasn't saved
  • officially updated to new shsh2 format, which also saves generator required for generator based apnonce replaying for prometheus

Compiled version 1.0.4

15 Sep 14:05
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Fixed a bug where non iOS10 tickets couldn't be requested