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Ki-dashboard (pronounced - "Chi") is a fork of angular-fullstack yeoman generators.
Its has few adjusments:

  1. it is integrated with bootstrap admin 2 dashboard
  2. it is integrated with ui-router for angular
  3. its task automation system is gulp
  4. It uses simple scaffolding with gulp-dogen tool - so you can update & add any scaffold templates relevant to your project right inside the 'gulp' directory (it means - no need for yeoman)
  5. client & server are decoupled
    • Eventualy - this repo should include web-components (directives in angular) to create the various widgets available through the bootstrap admin 2 dashboard template

Code Styleguides

use the built-in gulp dogen cli to scaffold modules in server & client

AngularJs Code Styleguides

  1. Following the angularjs blog post, follow these Best Practices Recommendations by the angular team
  2. angularjs development style guide
  3. angularjs style guide for teams (with a slight diverses in app structure)

Javascript Code Styleguide

  1. js code styleguide should follow google's js code styleguide
  2. nodejs code stytelguide should follow the common best practices of nodejs styleguide

Javascript Linter

  1. using jshint as global nodejs service: npm install -g jshint
  2. The project follows '.jshintrc' as the best practices of node.js styleguide
  3. Instructions for setting jshint with sublime linter plugin for sublimetext


  1. Install NodeJS - or via command line
  2. Gupljs: npm install -g gulp
  3. Bower: npm install -g bower
  4. Phantomjs (client testing): npm install phantomjs
  5. Karma (client test runner): npm install -g karma
  6. for Node Debugging using node inspector: npm install -g node-inspector (? install less npm install -g less)

Steps to run the app

  • Run npm to install dependencies npm install
  • Build project (will run bower install, compile less and concat js) gulp build
  • Run the app gulp

Open http://localhost:8080

Other available operations

  • Test project gulp test
  • Create distribution zip gulp dist

This command create "distribution zip" file in the "dist" folder.

Development environment



Process code, raising the server and then activating the project watcher (client side)
The project is available at http://localhost:8080.

Debug Node.js

you should run this after running dev-mode:
node-inspector --web-port=8081
open in chrome Please note that you must invoke the build command before invoking dev-mode (one time only). gulp build

Teamcity Integration

Issues Tracking

Git & Github Guidelines

The guideline is to work in a feature branch flow as described well in Github's Scott's blog post

Naming Convention for Feature Branch

Each feature branch should be named with a prefix of "feature-", so that the automation won't run any tests, build etc.. on these branches.

i.e., a branch for feature of date picker should be named: feature-date-picker

based on angular fullstack yeoman generator