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Minimal variational Bayes in torch.

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🦾 vbzero

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vbzero is a minimal stochastic variational inference framework for torch with an interface similar to pyro.

Models are declared as python functions using :func:`vbzero.util.sample` statements. For example, the following snippet encodes the standard biased coin example.

>>> import torch as th
>>> from vbzero.util import model, sample

>>> @model
... def biased_coin():
...     proba = sample("proba", th.distributions.Beta(1, 1))
...     x = sample("x", th.distributions.Bernoulli(proba), sample_shape=10)
...     return proba, x

>>> th.manual_seed(1)  # For reproducibility.
>>> biased_coin()
(tensor(0.6003), tensor([1., 1., 0., ...]))

State Management

If provided, state information is encapsulated in a :class:`vbzero.util.State`. For example, we can access all variables as follows.

>>> from vbzero.util import State

>>> th.manual_seed(1)  # For reproducibility.
>>> with State() as state:
...     biased_coin()
(tensor(0.6003), tensor([1., 1., 0., ...]))
>>> state
{'proba': tensor(0.6003), 'x': tensor([1., 1., 0., ...])}

This allows different datasets and models to be handled within the same process. If a :class:`vbzero.util.State` context is not active, a state will be created implicitly. It can be retrieved by calling :meth:`vbzero.util.State.get_instance` within the model, but all state will be discarded after the model invocation unless it is created explicitly as above.

The :class:`vbzero.util.LogProb` context can be used to evaluate the likelihood of a sample under the model.

>>> from vbzero.util import LogProb

>>> with state, LogProb() as log_prob:
...     biased_coin()
(tensor(0.6003), tensor([1., 1., 0., ...]))
>>> log_prob
{'proba': tensor(0.), 'x': tensor([-0.5103, -0.5103, -0.9171, ...])}

Including state in the with statement ensures that all variables are defined and the likelihood can be evaluated. We consider counterfactuals by modifying the state directly or using the :func:`vbzero.util.condition` statement.

>>> from vbzero.util import condition

>>> conditioned = condition(biased_coin, proba=th.as_tensor(0.5))
>>> with state, LogProb() as log_prob:
...     conditioned()
(tensor(0.5000), tensor([1., 1., 0., ...]))
>>> log_prob
{'proba': tensor(0.), 'x': tensor([-0.6931, -0.6931, -0.6931, ...])}
>>> state
{'proba': tensor(0.5000), 'x': tensor([1., 1., 0., ...])}


The state is modified by invoking the conditioned model. Use :meth:`vbzero.util.State.copy` to create a shallow copy and prevent it from being modified. In general, we recommend not sharing state across model invocations.


Minimal variational Bayes in torch.





