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Bug fixes and improvements of dialyzer_typesig
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1. Sometimes the solver forgot that a list had entered the error
   state. The bug has been fixed by storing the atom 'error' in
   MapDict. An example where the bug occurred is
   io_lib_pretty:printable_bin(). The returned spec was weaker than it
   should have been, but the fix-point loop hid the bug (in this case).

2. lists:partition() has been substituted for lists:splitwith() in
   enumerate_constraints(). This fix together with 3. solves a
   problem with long execution times for deeply nested fun:s. An
   example which is now much faster is
   (included as dialyzer/test/small_SUITE_data/src/deep_lc.erl).

3. The calculation of components in enumerate_constraints() has been
   simplified and optimized. The important thing here is that _all_ of
   the simple constraints have been saturated before entering the
   complex part.

4. The pretty printing of constraints has been improved.
  • Loading branch information
uabboli committed Jun 1, 2012
1 parent 61b017b commit d4d65c2
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Showing 3 changed files with 95 additions and 93 deletions.
173 changes: 80 additions & 93 deletions lib/dialyzer/src/dialyzer_typesig.erl
Expand Up @@ -1908,13 +1908,17 @@ solve_ref_or_list(#constraint_list{type=Type, list = Cs, deps = Deps, id = Id},
{ok, M} -> {M, true}
?debug("Checking ref to list: ~w\n", [Id]),
case Check andalso maps_are_equal(OldLocalMap, Map, Deps) of
OldLocalMap =:= error -> {error, MapDict};
true ->
?debug("~w equal ~w\n", [Type, Id]),
{ok, MapDict, Map};
false ->
?debug("~w not equal: ~w. Solving\n", [Type, Id]),
solve_clist(Cs, Type, Id, Deps, MapDict, Map, State)
case Check andalso maps_are_equal(OldLocalMap, Map, Deps) of
true ->
?debug("~w equal ~w\n", [Type, Id]),
{ok, MapDict, Map};
false ->
?debug("~w not equal: ~w. Solving\n", [Type, Id]),
solve_clist(Cs, Type, Id, Deps, MapDict, Map, State)

solve_self_recursive(Cs, Map, MapDict, Id, RecType0, State) ->
Expand All @@ -1923,7 +1927,7 @@ solve_self_recursive(Cs, Map, MapDict, Id, RecType0, State) ->
?debug("OldRecType ~s\n", [format_type(RecType0)]),
RecType = t_limit(RecType0, ?TYPE_LIMIT),
Map1 = enter_type(RecVar, RecType, dict:erase(t_var_name(Id), Map)),
?debug("\tMap in: ~p\n",[[{X, format_type(Y)}||{X, Y}<-dict:to_list(Map1)]]),
pp_map("Map1", Map1),
case solve_ref_or_list(Cs, Map1, MapDict, State) of
{error, _} = Error ->
case t_is_none(RecType0) of
Expand All @@ -1936,8 +1940,7 @@ solve_self_recursive(Cs, Map, MapDict, Id, RecType0, State) ->
{ok, NewMapDict, NewMap} ->
?debug("\tMap: ~p\n",
[[{X, format_type(Y)} || {X, Y} <- dict:to_list(NewMap)]]),
pp_map("NewMap", NewMap),
NewRecType = unsafe_lookup_type(Id, NewMap),
case t_is_equal(NewRecType, RecType0) of
true ->
Expand All @@ -1949,7 +1952,8 @@ solve_self_recursive(Cs, Map, MapDict, Id, RecType0, State) ->

solve_clist(Cs, conj, Id, Deps, MapDict, Map, State) ->
case solve_cs(Cs, Map, MapDict, State) of
{error, _} = Error -> Error;
{error, NewMapDict} ->
{error, dict:store(Id, error, NewMapDict)};
{ok, NewMapDict, NewMap} = Ret ->
case Cs of
[_] ->
Expand All @@ -1971,7 +1975,7 @@ solve_clist(Cs, disj, Id, _Deps, MapDict, Map, State) ->
{Maps, NewMapDict} = lists:mapfoldl(Fun, MapDict, Cs),
case [X || {ok, X} <- Maps] of
[] -> {error, NewMapDict};
[] -> {error, dict:store(Id, error, NewMapDict)};
MapList ->
NewMap = join_maps(MapList),
{ok, dict:store(Id, NewMap, NewMapDict), NewMap}
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -2047,6 +2051,8 @@ solve_subtype(Type, Inf, Map, Opaques) ->
%% ============================================================================

join_maps([Map]) ->
join_maps(Maps) ->
Keys = lists:foldl(fun(TmpMap, AccKeys) ->
[Key || Key <- AccKeys, dict:is_key(Key, TmpMap)]
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -2200,6 +2206,12 @@ mk_var_no_lit(Var) ->
mk_var_no_lit_list(List) ->
[mk_var_no_lit(X) || X <- List].

pp_map(_S, _Map) ->
?debug("\t~s: ~p\n",
[_S, [{X, lists:flatten(format_type(Y))} ||
{X, Y} <- lists:keysort(1, dict:to_list(_Map))]]).

%% ============================================================================
%% The State.
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -2655,19 +2667,21 @@ enumerate_constraints([#constraint_ref{id = Id} = C|Tail], N, Acc, State) ->
enumerate_constraints([#constraint_list{type = conj, list = List} = C|Tail],
N, Acc, State) ->
%% Separate the flat constraints from the deep ones to make a
%% separate fixpoint interation over the flat ones for speed.
{Flat, Deep} = lists:splitwith(fun(#constraint{}) -> true;
%% separate fixpoint iteration over the flat ones for speed.
{Flat, Deep} = lists:partition(fun(#constraint{}) -> true;
(#constraint_list{}) -> false;
(#constraint_ref{}) -> false
end, List),
{NewFlat, N1, State1} = enumerate_constraints(Flat, N, [], State),
{NewDeep, N2, State2} = enumerate_constraints(Deep, N1, [], State1),
{NewList, N3} =
case shorter_than_two(NewFlat) orelse (NewDeep =:= []) of
true -> {NewFlat ++ NewDeep, N2};
false ->
{NewCLists, TmpN} = group_constraints_in_components(NewFlat, N2),
{NewCLists ++ NewDeep, TmpN}
NewFlat =:= [] -> {NewDeep, N2};
NewDeep =:= [] -> {NewFlat, N2};
true ->
TmpCList = mk_conj_constraint_list(NewFlat),
{[TmpCList#constraint_list{id = {list, N2}} | NewDeep],
N2 + 1}
NewAcc = [C#constraint_list{list = NewList, id = {list, N3}}|Acc],
enumerate_constraints(Tail, N3+1, NewAcc, State2);
Expand All @@ -2681,42 +2695,6 @@ enumerate_constraints([#constraint{} = C|Tail], N, Acc, State) ->
enumerate_constraints([], N, Acc, State) ->
{lists:reverse(Acc), N, State}.

shorter_than_two([]) -> true;
shorter_than_two([_]) -> true;
shorter_than_two([_|_]) -> false.

group_constraints_in_components(Cs, N) ->
DepList = [Deps || #constraint{deps = Deps} <- Cs],
case find_dep_components(DepList, []) of
[_] -> {Cs, N};
[_|_] = Components ->
ConstrComp = [[C || #constraint{deps = D} = C <- Cs,
ordsets:is_subset(D, Comp)]
|| Comp <- Components],
lists:mapfoldl(fun(CComp, TmpN) ->
TmpCList = mk_conj_constraint_list(CComp),
{TmpCList#constraint_list{id = {list, TmpN}},
TmpN + 1}
end, N, ConstrComp)

find_dep_components([Set|Left], AccComponents) ->
{Component, Ungrouped} = find_dep_components(Left, Set, []),
case Component =:= Set of
true -> find_dep_components(Ungrouped, [Component|AccComponents]);
false -> find_dep_components([Component|Ungrouped], AccComponents)
find_dep_components([], AccComponents) ->

find_dep_components([Set|Left], AccSet, Ungrouped) ->
case ordsets:intersection(Set, AccSet) of
[] -> find_dep_components(Left, AccSet, [Set|Ungrouped]);
[_|_] -> find_dep_components(Left, ordsets:union(Set, AccSet), Ungrouped)
find_dep_components([], AccSet, Ungrouped) ->
{AccSet, Ungrouped}.

%% Put the fun ref constraints last in any conjunction since we need
%% to separate the environment from the interior of the function.
order_fun_constraints(State) ->
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -2846,13 +2824,24 @@ lookup_record(Records, Tag, Arity) ->

format_type(#fun_var{deps = Deps, origin = Origin}) ->
[Origin, lists:flatten([format_type(t_var(X))||X<-Deps])]);
L = [format_type(t_var(X)) || X <- Deps],
io_lib:format("Fun@L~p(~s)", [Origin, join_chars(L, ",")]);
format_type(Type) ->
case cerl:is_literal(Type) of
true -> io_lib:format("~w", [cerl:concrete(Type)]);
false -> erl_types:t_to_string(Type)

join_chars([], _Sep) ->
join_chars([H | T], Sep) ->
[H | [[Sep,X] || X <- T]].

debug_lookup_name(Var) ->
case dict:find(t_var_name(Var), get(dialyzer_typesig_map)) of
error -> Var;
{ok, Name} -> Name

Expand All @@ -2871,12 +2860,6 @@ debug_make_name_map([Var|VarLeft], [Fun|FunLeft], Map) ->
debug_make_name_map([], [], Map) ->

debug_lookup_name(Var) ->
case dict:find(t_var_name(Var), get(dialyzer_typesig_map)) of
error -> Var;
{ok, Name} -> Name

debug_make_name_map(_Vars, _Funs) ->
Expand All @@ -2887,51 +2870,55 @@ pp_constrs_scc(SCC, State) ->
[pp_constrs(Fun, state__get_cs(Fun, State), State) || Fun <- SCC].

pp_constrs(Fun, Cs, State) ->
io:format("Constraints for fun: ~w\n", [debug_lookup_name(Fun)]),
io:format("Constraints for fun: ~w", [debug_lookup_name(Fun)]),
MaxDepth = pp_constraints(Cs, State),
io:format("Depth: ~w\n", [MaxDepth]).

pp_constraints(Cs, State) ->
Res = pp_constraints([Cs], none, 0, 0, State),
Res = pp_constraints([Cs], 0, 0, State),

pp_constraints([List|Tail], Separator, Level, MaxDepth,
State) when is_list(List) ->
pp_constraints(List++Tail, Separator, Level, MaxDepth, State);
pp_constraints([#constraint_ref{id = Id}|Left], Separator,
Level, MaxDepth, State) ->
pp_constraints([List|Tail], Level, MaxDepth, State) when is_list(List) ->
pp_constraints(List++Tail, Level, MaxDepth, State);
pp_constraints([#constraint_ref{id = Id}|Left], Level, MaxDepth, State) ->
Cs = state__get_cs(Id, State),
io:format("%Ref ~w%", [t_var_name(Id)]),
pp_constraints([Cs|Left], Separator, Level, MaxDepth, State);
pp_constraints([#constraint{lhs = Lhs, op = Op, rhs = Rhs}], _Separator,
Level, MaxDepth, _State) ->
io:format("~s ~w ~s", [format_type(Lhs), Op, format_type(Rhs)]),
pp_constraints([Cs|Left], Level, MaxDepth, State);
pp_constraints([#constraint{}=C], Level, MaxDepth, _State) ->
pp_op(C, Level),
erlang:max(Level, MaxDepth);
pp_constraints([#constraint{lhs = Lhs, op = Op, rhs = Rhs}|Tail], Separator,
Level, MaxDepth, State) ->
io:format("~s ~w ~s ~s ", [format_type(Lhs), Op, format_type(Rhs),Separator]),
pp_constraints(Tail, Separator, Level, MaxDepth, State);
pp_constraints([#constraint{}=C|Tail], Level, MaxDepth, State) ->
pp_op(C, Level),
pp_constraints(Tail, Level, MaxDepth, State);
pp_constraints([#constraint_list{type = Type, list = List, id = Id}],
_Separator, Level, MaxDepth, State) ->
io:format("%List ~w(", [Id]),
NewSeparator = case Type of
conj -> "*";
disj -> "+"
NewMaxDepth = pp_constraints(List, NewSeparator, Level + 1, MaxDepth, State),
Level, MaxDepth, State) ->
case Type of
conj -> io:format("Conj ~w (", [Id]);
disj -> io:format("Disj ~w (", [Id])
NewMaxDepth = pp_constraints(List, Level + 1, MaxDepth, State),
io:format(")", []),
pp_constraints([#constraint_list{type = Type, list = List, id = Id}|Tail],
Separator, Level, MaxDepth, State) ->
io:format("List ~w(", [Id]),
NewSeparator = case Type of
conj -> "*";
disj -> "+"
NewMaxDepth = pp_constraints(List, NewSeparator, Level+1, MaxDepth, State),
io:format(") ~s\n~s ", [Separator, Separator]),
pp_constraints(Tail, Separator, Level, NewMaxDepth, State).
Level, MaxDepth, State) ->
case Type of
conj -> io:format("Conj ~w (", [Id]);
disj -> io:format("Disj ~w (", [Id])
NewMaxDepth = pp_constraints(List, Level+1, MaxDepth, State),
io:format(")", []),
pp_constraints(Tail, Level, NewMaxDepth, State).

pp_op(#constraint{lhs = Lhs, op = Op, rhs = Rhs}, Level) ->
io:format("~s ~w ~s", [format_type(Lhs), Op, format_type(Rhs)]).

pp_indent(Level) ->
io:format("\n~*s", [Level*2, ""]).
pp_constrs_scc(_SCC, _State) ->
Expand Down
1 change: 1 addition & 0 deletions lib/dialyzer/test/opaque_SUITE_data/results/queue
Expand Up @@ -5,6 +5,7 @@ queue_use.erl:27: The attempt to match a term of type queue() against the patter
queue_use.erl:33: Attempt to test for equality between a term of type {[42,...],[]} and a term of opaque type queue()
queue_use.erl:36: The attempt to match a term of type queue() against the pattern {F, _R} breaks the opaqueness of the term
queue_use.erl:40: The call queue:out({[42,...],[]}) does not have an opaque term of type queue() as 1st argument
queue_use.erl:48: The call queue_use:add_unique(42,#db{p::[],q::queue()}) contains an opaque term as 2nd argument when terms of different types are expected in these positions
queue_use.erl:51: The call queue_use:is_in_queue(E::42,DB::#db{p::[],q::queue()}) contains an opaque term as 2nd argument when terms of different types are expected in these positions
queue_use.erl:56: The attempt to match a term of type #db{p::[],q::queue()} against the pattern {'db', _, {L1, L2}} breaks the opaqueness of queue()
queue_use.erl:62: The call queue_use:tuple_queue({42,'gazonk'}) does not have a term of type {_,queue()} (with opaque subterms) as 1st argument
Expand Down
14 changes: 14 additions & 0 deletions lib/dialyzer/test/small_SUITE_data/src/deep_lc.erl
@@ -0,0 +1,14 @@


%% This is compile/test/lc_SUITE:deeply_nested/1
%% Used to be _very_ slow. Unknown how slow, but more than 15 hours.

t() ->
[[X1,X2,X3,X4,X5,X6,X7(),X8,X9,X10,X11,X12,X13,X14,X15,X16,X17,X18(),X19,X20] ||
X1 <- [99],X2 <- [98],X3 <- [97],X4 <- [96],X5 <- [42],X6 <- [17],
X7 <- [fun() -> X5*X5 end],X8 <- [12],X9 <- [11],X10 <- [10],
X11 <- [9],X12 <- [8],X13 <- [7],X14 <- [6],X15 <- [5],
X16 <- [4],X17 <- [3],X18 <- [fun() -> X16+X17 end],X19 <- [2],X20 <- [1]].

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