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Provides a utility to generate a human-readable string representation of any object as a customizable alternative to the traditional toString() method.


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ToString Utility for Java

Maven CI/CD Pipeline Checkstyle Compliance

The `ToString` utility class in Java provides a customizable alternative to the traditional `toString()` method. It offers a human-readable string representation of any object, with options for single-line or multi-line formatting, resolving nested objects, and exploring class hierarchies.


  • Custom String Representation: Generate a detailed string representation of any Java object.
  • Flexible Formatting: Choose between single-line or multi-line output.
  • Class Hierarchy Exploration: Option to explore any level of class hierarchy of the object.
  • Handling of Nested Objects: Ability to resolve nested objects (automatically preventing circular references).
  • Custom Annotations: Utilize ToStringDontResolve and ToStringIgnore annotations for finer control over the string representation.


Include Maven Dependency

You can get the ToString Utility from Maven Central Repository. Add the following dependency to your pom.xml file:


Create Basic String Representation

To create a simple string representation of an object:

YourClass yourObject = new YourClass();

String simpleToString = ToString.create(yourObject);

Create Detailed Dump

For a detailed, multi-line representation, including nested objects:

YourClass yourObject = new YourClass();

String detailedDump = ToString.createDump(yourObject);

Create Custom Representation

Create a custom string representation with specific settings:

ToString.createCustom(anyObject, delimiter, nesting, level, resolve);
YourClass yourObject = new YourClass();

String customToString = ToString.createCustom(yourObject, ',', 0, ToString.TS_LEVEL_DEEP, true);
Parameter Description
delimiter Character used to separate fields in the output. For example, , for single-line or \n for multi-line representation.
nesting Integer specifying the depth of the currently nested object. This will usually be 0, except for custom indentation from the beginning.
level Determines the level of class hierarchy to be explored. Use ToString.TS_LEVEL_ONLY for the object's direct fields, ToString.TS_LEVEL_DEEP for full hierarchy exploration, or any other integer.
resolve Boolean flag indicating whether to resolve nested objects. true will resolve them, while false will avoid resolving nested objects.

Note: Adjust these parameters according to the specific needs of your object's string representation.

Custom Annotations


Use this annotation on a field to prevent resolving it during the string conversion.

public class YourClass {

  private List unresolvedList;

  private OtherClass unresolvedObject;

  private String resolveMe;

  // ...


Apply this annotation to a field you wish to exclude from the string representation.

public class YourClass {

  private String ignoredField;

  private String includedField;

  // ...

Note: The ToString utility class requires Java Reflection for its operations.


Provides a utility to generate a human-readable string representation of any object as a customizable alternative to the traditional toString() method.







