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A language server for Starlark, a Python-inspired configuration language.

Starlark-lsp uses and Tree sitter as its main dependencies to implement the LSP/JSON-RPC protocol and Starlark language analysis, respectively. It can either be used as a standalone executable (see pkg/cli) or as a Go library.


Ensure you have Go 1.18 or greater installed, then check out this repository and run make install.


The main command for starlark-lsp is starlark-lsp start:

Start the Starlark LSP server.

By default, the server will run in stdio mode: requests should be written to
stdin and responses will be written to stdout. (All logging is _always_ done
to stderr.)

For socket mode, pass the --address option.

  starlark-lsp start [flags]


# Launch in stdio mode with extra logging
starlark-lsp start --verbose

# Listen on all interfaces on port 8765
starlark-lsp start --address=":8765"

# Provide type-stub style files to parse and treat as additional language
# built-ins. If path is a directory, treat files and directories inside
# like python modules: subdir/ and define a subdir module.
starlark-lsp start --builtin-paths "" --builtin-paths "/tmp/modules"

      --address string              Address (hostname:port) to listen on
      --builtin-paths stringArray   Paths to files and directories to parse and treat as additional language builtins
  -h, --help                        help for start

Global Flags:
      --debug     Enable debug logging
      --verbose   Enable verbose logging

Current Status

Starlark-lsp is bundled and used by Tilt with the tilt lsp command as part of the Tiltfile VS Code extension.

The Tiltfile in this repository can be used while developing the language server functionality for the Tiltfile extension. For more information on how to contribute to the extension, see the file in the vscode-tilt repository.