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tiltom edited this page Dec 9, 2015 · 3 revisions


Name conventions:

  • Types and namespaces: UpperCamelCase
  • Interfaces: IUpperCamelCase
  • Type parameters: TUpperCamelCase
  • Methods, properties and events: UpperCamelCase
  • Local variables: lowerCamelCase
  • Local constants: lowerCamelCase
  • Parameters: lowerCamelCase
  • Fields (not private): UpperCamelCase
  • Instance fields (private): _lowerCamelCase
  • Static fields: _lowerCamelCase
  • Constant field: UpperCamelCase
  • Static readonly field: UpperCamelCase
  • Enum member: UpperCamelCase

In the other words naming style conventions are same as ReSharpers (check ReSharper -> Options -> Code Editing-> C# -> Naming Style)


  • Write comments of all public methods (start with '///', the rest will be created automatically)
  • Add comments within methods only when doing something not clear (statement db.SaveChanges() doesn't need comment)

Suffix naming conventions:

  1. Entity - no suffix (e.g. Budget, Wallet)
  2. Controllers - Controller suffix (e.g. WalletControler, BudgetController)
  3. Rest (if rest will be used) - Rest suffix (e.g. WalletRest, BudgetRest)
  4. Business logic - Service suffix (e.g. WalletService, BudgetService)
  5. Unit tests - ServiceTest suffix (e.g. WalletServiceTest, BudgetServiceTest)
  6. Resources - Resource suffix (e.g. WalletResource, BudgetResource)

Project modularity:

ExpenseManagerSolution will be devided into following projects:

  1. ExpenseManager.Entity - this project will contain only DB entities
  2. ExpenseManager.BusinessLogic - this project will contain common bussiness logic used in Web project
  3. ExpenseManager.BusinessLogic.Test - unit tests for business logic
  4. ExpenseManager.Database - contexts, initializers and seeding
  5. ExpenseManager.Web - controlles, views, js, html and css
  6. ExpenseManager.Resources - text resources

Class structure:

  • Add 'this' keyword when using a member of current class
  • One class per one file, never write two classes into one file
  • Use #region and #endregion keywords for protected and private methods
  • Write constants on the top of a class, then private fields, then properties, then constructor and then methods
  • Order methods by their accessibility: public methods first, then protected ones, and private methods in the end
  • Add white line before properties
  • Never use public fields, use properties
  • Order attributes by their name alphabetically (but Guid on top)


Method length - maximum number of rows in method should be 30 Method complexity - maximum complexity of method should be 7

Other rules:

  • Controller names should be in singular (e.g. TransactionController, not TransactionsController)
  • Allways commit an application that is built and without an errors and warnings.
  • Use English everywhere (names, comments, commits, ...)