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tim-lebedkov edited this page Jul 6, 2020 · 11 revisions


There is also a command line version of Npackd. It is called NpackdCL and you can install it using Npackd. The internal package name is

NpackdCL follows the versioning scheme of Npackd. It means for example that NpackdCL 1.15.6 uses the same code as Npackd 1.15.6. First number in the version only changes if there are incompatible changes.

Version 1 of the NpackdCL package always has npackdcl.exe in the root directory. Execute npackdcl.exe help to get the list of command line parameters.

Since 1.19 ncl.exe is distributed in the root directory with exactly the same options as npackdcl.exe in order to reduce typing.


The following command would install the latest available version of Python:

npackdcl.exe add -p org.python.Python

You can also use the short package name if it is unique:

npackdcl.exe add -p Python

This is how to install a particular version of Notepad++:

npackdcl.exe add -p notepadpp64 -v 7.8.5

Install the newest Java 7:

npackdcl.exe add -p -r [7,8)

The following command would remove the newest installed version of CMake:

npackdcl.exe rm -p CMake

Search for C++ related packages:

npackdcl search -q C++

List all available packages:

npackdcl search

List of options for NpackdCL

ncl 1.25 - command line interface for the Npackd software package manager
Usage: ncl <command> [global options] [options]

Available commands in alphabetical order:
    ncl add (--package <package>
            [--version <version> | --versions <versions>])+ 
            [--file <installation directory>]
            [--user <user name>] [--password <password>]
            [--proxy-user <proxy user name>] [--proxy-password <proxy password>]
        installs packages. The newest available version will be 
        installed, if none is specified.
    ncl add-repo --url <repository>
        appends a repository to the system-wide list of package sources
    ncl build --package <package> [--version <version> | --versions <versions>])
            --output-package <package>
        build a package from another one (e.g. a binary from source code)
    ncl check
        checks the installed packages for missing dependencies
    ncl detect [--user <user name>] [--password <password>]
            [--proxy-user <proxy user name>] [--proxy-password <proxy password>]
        download repositories and detect packages from the MSI 
        database and software control panel
    ncl info --package <package> [--version <version>]
            [--bare-format | --json]
        shows information about the specified package or package version
    ncl install-dir [--bare-format | --json]
        prints the directory where packages will be installed
    ncl list [--bare-format | --json]
        lists package versions sorted by package name and version.
    ncl list-repos [--bare-format | --json]
        prints the system-wide list of package sources (repositories)
    ncl help
        prints this help
    ncl path (--package <package>
            [--version <version> | --versions <versions>])+ 
            [--cmd | --json]
        searches for installed packages and prints their locations
    ncl place --package <package>
            --version <version> --file <directory>
            [--bare-format | --json]
        registers a package version installed without Npackd
    ncl remove|rm (--package <package> [--version <version>])+
           [--end-process <types>]
        removes packages. The version number may be omitted, 
        if only one is installed.
    ncl remove-scp --title <title>
        remove a program for the Software Control Panel by title
    ncl remove-repo --url <repository>
        removes a repository from the system-wide list of package sources
    ncl set-repo (--url <repository>)+
        changes the system-wide list of package sources (repositories)
    ncl search [--query <search terms>] 
            [--status installed | updateable | all]
            [--bare-format | --json]
        full text search. Lists found packages sorted by package name.
        All packages are shown by default.
    ncl set-install-dir [--file <directory>]
        changes the directory where packages will be installed. The
        default directory for program files is used if the --file
        parameter is missing.
    ncl update (--package <package> [--versions <versions>])+
            [--end-process <types>]
            [--install] [--keep-directories]
            [--file <installation directory>]
            [--user <user name>] [--password <password>]
            [--proxy-user <proxy user name>] [--proxy-password <proxy password>]
        updates packages by uninstalling the currently installed
        and installing the newest version. 
    ncl where --file <relative path> [--bare-format | --json]
        finds all installed packages with the specified file or directory
    ncl which --file <file> [--bare-format | --json]
        finds the package that owns the specified file or directory
Global options:
    -d, --debug               turn on the debug output
    -l, --local               install packages for the current user instead of system-wide
    -n, --non-interactive     assume that there is no user and do not ask for input
    -b, --bare-format         bare format (no heading or summary)
    -c, --cmd                 output a .cmd script
    -e, --end-process         list of ways to close running applications 
(c=close, k=kill, s=disconnect from file shares, d=stop services, t=send Ctrl+C). The default value is 'c'.
    -f, --file                file or directory
    -i, --install             install a package if it was not installed
    -j, --json                json format for the output
    -k, --keep-directories    use the same directories for updated packages
    -p, --package             internal package name (e.g. com.example.Editor or just Editor)
    -q, --query               search terms (e.g. editor)
    -r, --versions            versions range (e.g. [1.5,2))
    -s, --status              filters packages by status
    -t, --timeout             timeout in seconds
    -u, --url                 repository URL (e.g.
    -v, --version             version number (e.g. 1.5.12)
        --user                user name for the HTTP authentication
        --password            password for the HTTP authentication
        --proxy-user          user name for the HTTP proxy authentication
        --proxy-password      password for the HTTP proxy authentication
        --title               package title or a regular expression in JavaScript syntax. Example: /PDF/i
        --output-package      internal package name (e.g. com.example.Editor or just Editor)

You can use short package names, e.g. App instead of com.example.App.
The process exits with the code unequal to 0 if an error occures.
If the output is redirected, the texts will be encoded as UTF-8.

See for more details.

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