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API v1.0

Tim Weißenfels edited this page Sep 4, 2020 · 1 revision

The radio can be controlled via an API:

curl http://hostname:6969/api/v1.0/now


  • get the current state: /now
  • search library: /library/search
    • arguments: query (string)
  • download clip from library: /library/download
    • arguments: file (string)
  • update (re-scan) library: /library/update
    • method: PUT
  • schedule clip: /schedule
    • method: POST
    • arguments: file (string)
  • skip the current clip: /skip
    • method: PUT
  • repeat current clip: /repeat
    • method: PUT
  • toggle pause: /pause
    • method: PUT or POST
  • get list of extensions: /extensions
  • schedule extension content: /extensions/<ext>/schedule
    • method PUT
    • example: /extensions/tagesschau/schedule
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