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timabell edited this page Oct 11, 2011 · 12 revisions

Welcome to the vs-formatter-macro wiki!

to use the macro:

git clone git:// vs-formatter-macro.git
  • open your solution
  • tools > macros > macros IDE
  • in macro explorer, project explorer > click MyMacros
  • in the project menu, click add existing item
  • browser to vs-formatter-macro.git/Formatting.vb and click add
  • tools > macros > macro explorer
  • expand mymacros > formatting
  • select the project you wish to process in solution explorer
  • double click FormatProject in macro explorer

note that this copies the vb file, so you will have to re-export the file to get your changes back into git

if you want to contribute back, you can mail me, or export the file from the macro ide back into vs-formatter-macro.git and publish your own version. note that git thinks the file is binary as it’s in unicode, so you have to open it in a normal visual studio window, and use the extended save options to change back to the windows codepage


See also:

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