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Timber's command line interface


Timber integrates with the command line through the timber command line utility, allowing you to access and search your logs directly from your terminal.



The Timber CLI ships as a static binary with no dependencies.

Mac OS

Timber is easily installed through the homebrew package manager:

brew tap timberio/brew && brew install timber

You can update timber over time via:

brew update && brew upgrade timber

Pre-built binaries

If you're not on Mac, or prefer not to use homebrew, you can install one of our pre-built binaries. These can be found in the releases section of the cli repository:

Building From Source

If all else fails, you can build timber from source. Building from source requires the go runtime:

git clone timber
cd timber
go build
./timber help

We recommend moving timber into your $PATH.



To use the Timber CLI you'll need to create an API key. Simply copy your API key and run timber auth [api_key], replacing [api_key] with your new API key value.

timber auth [api_key]

This will store your API key in the ~/.timber folder. Going forward, this key will be used for all timber commands. Alternatively, you can supply the --api-key flag with each command or set the TIMBER_API_KEY environment variable.

Switching Between Organizations

The Timber CLI offers support for switching between multiple organizations:

  1. Run timber auth list to list your API keys
  2. Run timber auth switch [org_id] to switch to another API key.

If you don't see your API key, add it as described above.

ANSI Coloring

By default, Timber will use ANSI coloring, you can disable this with the --monochrome-output flag or by setting the TIMBER_NO_COLOR env var.


Mac OS

brew update
brew upgrade timber


Simply delete the timber binary and re-install it.


Commands and options can be accessed with the timber help command:

   timber - Command line interface for the logging service

   timber [global options] command [command options] [arguments...]


     auth         Manage authentication for the Timber CLI
     tail, t      Live tails logs
     sources      Manage your Timber sources
     sql-queries  Manage SQL queries
     views        Manage your saved views (only console views are supported in the CLI)
     api          Issue authenticated requests to the Timber API (
     help, h      Shows a list of commands or help for one command

   --api-key value, -K value    Your API key [$TIMBER_API_KEY]
   --color-output, -C           Set to force color output even if output is not a color terminal [$TIMBER_COLOR]
   --max-columns value          Maximum number of columns to display in a table (default: 7) [$TIMBER_MAX_COLUMNS]
   --max-column-length value    Maximum length of a single column value (default: 20) [$TIMBER_MAX_COLUMNS]
   --max-per-page value         Maximum number of items to display per page (default: 25) [$TIMBER_MAX_PER_PAGE]
   --monochrome-output, -M      Disable color output [$TIMBER_NO_COLOR]
   --debug, -D                  Output debug messages [$TIMBER_DEBUG]
   --host value, -H value host, useful for testing (default: "") [$TIMBER_HOST]
   --time-zone value, -Z value  Time zone, such as "Local", "UTC", or "America/New_York" (default: "Local") [$TIMBER_TIME_ZONE]
   --help, -h                   show help
   --version, -v                print the version


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...and more. Checkout out the main usage section for more guides and tutorials.