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🌲 Timber - Browser logging

Beta: Ready for testing Speed: Blazing ISC License

New to Timber? Here's a low-down on logging in Javascript.


This NPM library is for logging in the browser.

Here's how to get started:


Using Webpack / Rollup

If you're using a module bundler like Webpack or Rollup, you can install the package directly from NPM:

npm i @timberio/browser

In ES6/Typescript, import the Timber class:

import { Timber } from "@timberio/browser";

For CommonJS, require the package:

const { Timber } = require("@timberio/browser");

Via a <script> tag

If you're not using a Node.js module bundler, you can log in any client-side app by dropping in a <script> tag:

<script src=""></script>

This will place the Timber class on window.Timber.

Creating a client

You can instantiate the client in the same way, whether you use a module bundler or the <script> tag method.

Simply pass your organization API + source keys as parameters to a new Timber instance (you can grab both from the console):

const timber = new Timber("timber-organization-key", "timber-source-key");


This browser library extends @timberio/core, which provides a simple API for logging, adding middleware and more.

Visit the relevant readme section for more info/how-to: