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The idea was it to create a Ticket System completely for the Front-End, and that's the result! This plugin adds a ticket system to your page, to handle Questions, problems or other requests from visitors of your page. You can use it as a help desk for co-workers in your Intranet or as a contact form for your website for example.

Key features:

  • Independet Login from Wordpress, or when you are logged in into Wordpress, then you will be automatically logged in.
  • Normal users can take, edit their own and adopt tickets. They also can add appointments.
  • Admin users can edit all tickets and allocate tickets to other users
  • You can add notes and solutions to every ticket
  • You can filter tickets for Issuer, name or mail of creator, done tickets, solution or problems
  • Datepicker for appointments


Ticket submission form


Ticket system with a new ticket


Ticket in editing mode


Ticket with appointment


Filter for tickets


Backend page



  1. Upload ticket-system-simple directory to the /wp-content/plugins/ directory.
  2. Activate the plugin through the 'Plugins' menu in WordPress.
  3. Place <?php do_shortcode('[ts_form]'); ?> in your templates or [ts_form] in page edit mode for the ticket submission form.
  4. Place <?php do_shortcode('[ts_tickets]'); ?> in your templates or [ts_tickets] in page edit mode for the ticket system page.


The plugin currently comes with the following translations: English, German


You can test the plugin here