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This repo contains files and resources from a POC for a Gardener Mock Provider Extension. It was presented in the Gardener Community on Jan 24th (see Resources).

Status of the Mock Provider

This POC implements the Mock Provider in a simple bash script (plus some manifests and charts) that loops over all extensions and patches them to Succeeded.
These resources are not supposed to be seen as "ready for usage". This Proof of concept was only done to see if the concept of a Mock Provider can actually work and to discover technical restrictions in the process. Nevertheless, you are of course welcome to try it out (see Walkthrough) and provide feedback if you want!

As the POC worked out (though, with some limitations), there will be a "real" implementation for the Mock Provider but it is not done yet.
gardener/gardener-extension-provider-mock will be the home for this provider implementation. This issue will be used to track the implementation: gardener/gardener-extension-provider-mock#1

Basic Concept

What is the Mock Provider?

The Mock Provider is an alternative provider to the other IaaS providers, which implements Gardener Extension Points. But in contrast to "normal" infrastructure providers, it does not create any real infrastructure.

Why is the Mock Provider needed?

We want to able to:

  • develop Gardener faster and without any Infrastructure
  • run Gardener tests faster and more cost-efficiently
  • so basically be independent from Extensions/IaaS for these scenarios

How does the Mock Provider work?

Gardener Extensibility (see GEP 1) already provides extension points for different provider implementations. Gardener itself only creates/annotates the Extension Resources and waits for the Extension Resources to be ready.
The Mock local provider simply sets Extension Resources to ready without doing anything.
The Mock Provider can be installed via a ControllerRegistration object just like the other extensions and can run on a real Seed or a local cluster (for example docker-for-desktop/kind).


Follow these steps, if you want to test the Mock Provider in your local setup and create a Mock Shoot on your development machine.

  1. Configure your local Gardener Dev Setup
    see: Gardener Local Dev Setup (only steps until make dev-setup (incl.) are needed)

  2. If you don't have it already, create the dev Project.

    kubectl apply -f example/05-project-dev.yaml
  3. Create the Mock CloudProfile:

    kubectl apply -f example/20-cloudprofile-mock.yaml
  4. Create a Kubernetes cluster which you want to use as your local Seed. If you are using a docker-for-desktop cluster in your local setup, you can use that one and go to the next step.
    Alternatively you can also create a cluster with kind. In that case, you need to add a port mapping from 443 on your host machine to 30443 on the kind node, which will be used later to expose the Mock Shoot's kube-apiserver Service via NodePort.
    You can do that by using the example kind config:

    kind create cluster --name kind-seed --config example/10-kind-seed.yaml --kubeconfig $HOME/.kube/configs/kind-seed.yaml
  5. Now, get the kubeconfig to your local cluster and put it in example/30-secret-seed.yaml.
    For kind, you can use this command:

    kind get kubeconfig --name kind-seed
  6. Register your docker-for-desktop/kind cluster as a Seed in your local setup:

    kubectl apply -f example/30-secret-seed.yaml
    kubectl apply -f example/35-seed.yaml
  7. Create the ControllerRegistration for the Mock Provider:

    kubectl apply -f example/40-controller-registration-mock.yaml
  8. Create a faked infrastructure Secret and a corresponding SecretBinding that will be referenced by the Mock Shoot:

    kubectl apply -f example/50-mock-secret.yaml
  9. Now, you can go ahead and create the Mock Shoot:

    kubectl apply -f example/55-mock-shoot.yaml
  10. Now open a new terminal window and point your KUBECONFIG to the Mock Shoot's namespace in the Seed.

    export KUBECONFIG=$HOME/.kube/configs/kind-seed.yaml
    kubens shoot--dev--mock-shoot

    In this terminal window start the Mock Provider controller (bash script) and keep it running:

  11. Now you can watch your Mock Shoot being created on your local cluster. After a while (about 6m) your Shoot should be reconciled completely and the Control Plane should look similar to this:

    kubectl get po,infra,cp,osc,worker,network
    NAME                                             READY   STATUS    RESTARTS   AGE
    pod/etcd-events-0                                1/1     Running   0          22m
    pod/etcd-main-0                                  1/1     Running   0          22m
    pod/gardener-resource-manager-5fd66ccffd-x9nbs   1/1     Running   0          20m
    pod/kube-apiserver-79d5988bf9-pjxsx              3/3     Running   0          4m38s
    pod/kube-controller-manager-68dcf746fd-lfssd     1/1     Running   0          20m
    pod/kube-scheduler-b8f7d447d-r2csr               1/1     Running   0          20m
    pod/mock-shoot-worker-66fb6b9767-4gn7t           2/2     Running   0          6m13s
    NAME                                                  TYPE   REGION       STATUS      AGE   mock   mock-west1   Succeeded   22m
    NAME                                                         TYPE   PURPOSE    STATUS      AGE            mock              Succeeded   21m   mock   exposure   Succeeded   20m
    NAME                                                                                       TYPE     STATUS      PURPOSE     AGE   mockos   Succeeded   provision   20m     mockos   Succeeded   reconcile   20m
    NAME                                          TYPE   REGION       STATUS      AGE   mock   mock-west1   Succeeded   20m
    NAME                                           TYPE   POD CIDR        SERVICE CIDR    STATUS      AGE   mock   Succeeded   20m
  12. In the garden-dev namespace of your garden cluster there will be a secret containing the kubeconfig to your Mock Shoot. Extract the kubeconfig from the mock-shoot.kubeconfig secret and use it to talk to your Shoot Cluster:

    kubectl -n garden-dev get secret mock-shoot.kubeconfig -ojson | jq -r '.data.kubeconfig' | base64 -d

    The Shoot Cluster should look similar to this:

    kubectl get no,po,svc --all-namespaces
    NAME                                      STATUS   ROLES    AGE   VERSION
    node/mock-shoot-worker-66fb6b9767-4gn7t   Ready    <none>   22m   v1.16.3
    NAMESPACE     NAME                                           READY   STATUS    RESTARTS   AGE
    kube-system   pod/calico-kube-controllers-74c9747c46-g7fnk   1/1     Running   0          37m
    kube-system   pod/calico-node-kchqv                          1/1     Running   0          22m
    kube-system   pod/coredns-f8b6b6d6d-lsqnd                    1/1     Running   0          37m
    kube-system   pod/coredns-f8b6b6d6d-mhgzv                    1/1     Running   0          36m
    kube-system   pod/kube-proxy-h5cdq                           1/1     Running   0          22m
    kube-system   pod/metrics-server-6786658f85-m58wc            1/1     Running   0          37m
    kube-system   pod/node-problem-detector-b5xp6                1/1     Running   0          22m
    kube-system   pod/vpn-shoot-845499bf7f-5cdq2                 1/1     Running   0          37m
    NAMESPACE     NAME                     TYPE           CLUSTER-IP       EXTERNAL-IP                             PORT(S)                  AGE
    default       service/kubernetes       ClusterIP       <none>                                  443/TCP                  38m
    kube-system   service/kube-dns         ClusterIP      <none>                                  53/UDP,53/TCP,9153/TCP   37m
    kube-system   service/kube-proxy       ClusterIP      None             <none>                                  10249/TCP                37m
    kube-system   service/metrics-server   ClusterIP    <none>                                  443/TCP                  37m
    kube-system   service/vpn-shoot        LoadBalancer   mock-vpn-shoot.shoot--dev--mock-shoot   4314:30123/TCP           37m
  13. Now you basically have a fully functional Kubernetes Cluster running on your development machine. You can test it by creating a nginx deployment and service and do a port-forward to the service:

    kubectl run --image nginx nginx --expose --port 80
    kubectl port-forward svc/nginx 8080:80

    You should be able to reach the nginx welcome page via http://localhost:8080.


Follow these steps to cleanup the resources created by the previous steps.

  1. Delete the Mock Shoot itself. Make sure, the mock-controller is still running for the Shoot deletion to work.

    kubectl -n garden-dev annotate mock-shoot
    kubectl -n garden-dev delete mock-shoot --wait=false
  2. Delete the Mock Provider ControllerRegistration:

    kubectl delete ctrlreg provider-mock
  3. Unregister your local Seed:

    kubectl delete seed local-seed
  4. Optionally delete your kind cluster:

    kind delete cluster --name kind-seed


Presentation in the Gardener Community Meeting on Jan 24th 2020:


POC for Gardener Mock Provider Extension







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