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The Times 2017 Budget Calculator

Polymer component for The Times' 2017 budget calculator

Getting started

To run this code locally:

  1. Clone this GitHub repository

  2. Install the dependencies

$ npm install && bower install
  1. Start the development server
$ npm run start

To create a built version of the component, run:

$ npm run dist



The app/budget-calculator folder contains three files that comprise the web component:

  • index.html for the component's HTML structure
  • script.js for the component logic, which should be built around Polymer's lifecycle hooks
  • style.scss for the component's styles (as SASS)


Web Component Tester (WCT) is included to support testing. Tests can be written in test/component.html.

Settings can be tweaked in wct.conf.json.


Third-party components can be included using Bower (as mandated by Polymer).

Build process

On npm run build, the separate component files will be bundled together and then Vulcanized, which inlines dependencies.

To prevent a dependency being inlined (for example, if the dependency is hosted on the Times components server) you can add it to the excludes array in scripts/vulcanize.js.

Polymer itself should always be excluded from the Vulcanize process.