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Slack Monitor

Slack Monitor is a Slack app that listens for Slack events and posts notifications into a channel.

Slack Monitor is built with Serverless, which enables easy deployments to AWS.

This repository contains the code for you to run your own instance of Slack Monitor inside your own AWS cloud, which you can then install for your team. This is not a hosted app.


The main logic is contained in src/handler.js, which must expose a handler function for Serverless to call.

The mapping from Slack events to nicely-formatted notifications is handled in events.js.

The app is installed via an "Add to Slack" button. index.html provides a minimal HTML page that hosts such a button with the correct scopes and parameters.

Serverless configuration is handled via serverless.yml. Environment variables are stored in an env.yml file, which you should not commit. (An example is provided as env-sample.yml.)


npm install

AWS Lambda currently supports NodeJS 4.3. If you want to use features from later versions of Node you will need to use Babel or a similar tool.


To deploy the main app to Lambda, check the serverless.yml configuration and then run:

serverless deploy

To deploy to prod, you can pass the stage flag:

serverless deploy -s prod

To deploy the index.html file containing the "Add to Slack" button, simply copy the file onto a web server such as S3.


Since this app can be installed by multiple teams, a DynamoDB table is used for storage. Slack Monitor currently expects this table to already exist and to be called slackmonitor. You should also check that the auto-generated IAM role assigned to your Lambda function has the correct permissions to read and write to DynamoDB.


You can register your instance of Slack Monitor with Slack by visiting the API page and creating a new app. The OAuth redirect URL and event subscription request URL should both point to your deployed Lambda function.

You can choose which events Slack Monitor will listen to on the Event Subscriptions page. Be sure that you have edited index.html so that the Add to Slack button requests the correct permission scopes for all the events you wish to listen to.

Install the app for your Slack team

Once everything is configured and deployed, navigate to your hosted index.html page. Click the "Add to Slack button" and follow the OAuth process.


Please log issues on the GitHub repository. Contributions are welcome via pull requests and should preferably relate to an existing issue.

The biggest area of contribution currently required is to add more event mappings to src/events.js.


Elliot Davies (