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INSERT .. SELECT on distributed hypertable fails on PG15
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INSERT .. SELECT query containing distributed hypertables generates plan
with DataNodeCopy node which is not supported. Issue is in function
tsl_create_distributed_insert_path() where we decide if we should
generate DataNodeCopy or DataNodeDispatch node based on the kind of
query. In PG15 for INSERT .. SELECT query timescaledb planner generates
DataNodeCopy as rte->subquery is set to NULL. This is because of a commit
in PG15 where rte->subquery is set to NULL as part of a fix.

This patch checks if SELECT subquery has distributed hypertables or not
by looking into root->parse->jointree which represents subquery.

Fixes #4983
  • Loading branch information
sb230132 authored and SachinSetiya committed Nov 28, 2022
1 parent 8a2a9b0 commit bdfabb4
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Showing 11 changed files with 921 additions and 185 deletions.
4 changes: 2 additions & 2 deletions .github/
Expand Up @@ -153,9 +153,9 @@ def macos_config(overrides):
"snapshot": "snapshot",
# below tests are tracked as part of #4838
"installcheck_args": "SKIPS='003_connections_privs 001_simple_multinode 004_multinode_rdwr_1pc dist_hypertable-15 bgw_custom cagg_dump dist_move_chunk' "
"installcheck_args": "SKIPS='003_connections_privs 001_simple_multinode 004_multinode_rdwr_1pc bgw_custom cagg_dump dist_move_chunk' "
# below tests are tracked as part of #4835
"IGNORES='telemetry_stats dist_query dist_partial_agg plan_hashagg partialize_finalize dist_fetcher_type dist_remote_error jit-15 "
"IGNORES='telemetry_stats dist_query dist_partial_agg plan_hashagg partialize_finalize dist_fetcher_type "
# below tests are tracked as part of #4837
Expand Down
12 changes: 7 additions & 5 deletions test/expected/query-15.out
Expand Up @@ -293,14 +293,16 @@ BEGIN;

:PREFIX SELECT time_bucket('1 minute', time, INTERVAL '30 seconds') t, avg(series_0), min(series_1), trunc(avg(series_2)::numeric,5)
FROM hyper_1 GROUP BY t ORDER BY t DESC limit 2;
-> GroupAggregate
Group Key: ((time_bucket('@ 1 min'::interval, (_hyper_1_1_chunk."time" - '@ 30 secs'::interval)) + '@ 30 secs'::interval))
Group Key: (time_bucket('@ 1 min'::interval, hyper_1."time", '@ 30 secs'::interval))
-> Result
-> Index Scan using _hyper_1_1_chunk_time_plain on _hyper_1_1_chunk
(5 rows)
-> Custom Scan (ChunkAppend) on hyper_1
Order: time_bucket('@ 1 min'::interval, hyper_1."time", '@ 30 secs'::interval) DESC
-> Index Scan using _hyper_1_1_chunk_time_plain on _hyper_1_1_chunk
(7 rows)

:PREFIX SELECT time_bucket('1 minute', time - INTERVAL '30 seconds') t, avg(series_0), min(series_1), trunc(avg(series_2)::numeric,5)
FROM hyper_1 GROUP BY t ORDER BY t DESC limit 2;
Expand Down
34 changes: 30 additions & 4 deletions tsl/src/planner.c
Expand Up @@ -315,11 +315,37 @@ tsl_create_distributed_insert_path(PlannerInfo *root, ModifyTablePath *mtpath, I
if (rte->rtekind == RTE_SUBQUERY)
distributed = false;
if (distributed_rtes_walker((Node *) rte->subquery, &distributed) &&
Node *jtnode = (Node *) root->parse->jointree;
if (IsA(jtnode, FromExpr))
copy_possible = false;
FromExpr *f = (FromExpr *) jtnode;
ListCell *l;
foreach (l, f->fromlist)
Node *n = (Node *) lfirst(l);
if (IsA(n, RangeTblRef))
RangeTblEntry *r =
planner_rt_fetch(((RangeTblRef *) n)->rtindex, root);
switch (r->rtekind)
distributed_rtes_walker((Node *) r, &distributed);
distributed_rtes_walker((Node *) r->subquery,
if (distributed)
copy_possible = false;
Expand Down
342 changes: 179 additions & 163 deletions tsl/test/expected/dist_hypertable-15.out

Large diffs are not rendered by default.

18 changes: 10 additions & 8 deletions tsl/test/expected/jit-15.out
Expand Up @@ -206,15 +206,17 @@ SELECT * FROM jit_device_summary WHERE metric_spread = 1800 ORDER BY bucket DESC
Output: (time_bucket('@ 1 hour'::interval, jit_test_contagg.observation_time)), jit_test_contagg.device_id, avg(jit_test_contagg.metric), (max(jit_test_contagg.metric) - min(jit_test_contagg.metric))
Group Key: time_bucket('@ 1 hour'::interval, jit_test_contagg.observation_time), jit_test_contagg.device_id
Filter: ((max(jit_test_contagg.metric) - min(jit_test_contagg.metric)) = '1800'::double precision)
-> Custom Scan (ChunkAppend) on public.jit_test_contagg
-> Result
Output: time_bucket('@ 1 hour'::interval, jit_test_contagg.observation_time), jit_test_contagg.device_id, jit_test_contagg.metric
Startup Exclusion: true
Runtime Exclusion: false
Chunks excluded during startup: 4
-> Index Scan using _hyper_3_5_chunk_jit_test_contagg_observation_time_idx on _timescaledb_internal._hyper_3_5_chunk
Output: _hyper_3_5_chunk.observation_time, _hyper_3_5_chunk.device_id, _hyper_3_5_chunk.metric
Index Cond: (_hyper_3_5_chunk.observation_time >= COALESCE(_timescaledb_internal.to_timestamp(_timescaledb_internal.cagg_watermark(4)), '-infinity'::timestamp with time zone))
(27 rows)
-> Custom Scan (ChunkAppend) on public.jit_test_contagg
Output: jit_test_contagg.observation_time, jit_test_contagg.device_id, jit_test_contagg.metric
Startup Exclusion: true
Runtime Exclusion: false
Chunks excluded during startup: 4
-> Index Scan using _hyper_3_5_chunk_jit_test_contagg_observation_time_idx on _timescaledb_internal._hyper_3_5_chunk
Output: _hyper_3_5_chunk.observation_time, _hyper_3_5_chunk.device_id, _hyper_3_5_chunk.metric
Index Cond: (_hyper_3_5_chunk.observation_time >= COALESCE(_timescaledb_internal.to_timestamp(_timescaledb_internal.cagg_watermark(4)), '-infinity'::timestamp with time zone))
(29 rows)

-- generate the results into two different files
\set ECHO errors
Expand Down
229 changes: 229 additions & 0 deletions tsl/test/shared/expected/dist_remote_error-13.out
@@ -0,0 +1,229 @@
-- This file and its contents are licensed under the Timescale License.
-- Please see the included NOTICE for copyright information and
-- LICENSE-TIMESCALE for a copy of the license.
-- Import setup file to data nodes.
\unset ECHO
-- Disable SSL to get stable error output across versions. SSL adds some output
-- that changed in PG 14.
set timescaledb.debug_enable_ssl to off;
set client_min_messages to error;
SET timescaledb.hide_data_node_name_in_errors = 'on';
-- A relatively big table on one data node
create table metrics_dist_remote_error(like metrics_dist);
select table_name from create_distributed_hypertable('metrics_dist_remote_error', 'time', 'device_id',
data_nodes => '{"data_node_1"}');
(1 row)

insert into metrics_dist_remote_error select * from metrics_dist order by metrics_dist limit 20000;
-- The error messages vary wildly between the Postgres versions, dependent on
-- the particular behavior of libqp in this or that case. The purpose of this
-- test is not to solidify this accidental behavior, but to merely exercise the
-- error handling code to make sure it doesn't have fatal errors. Unfortunately,
-- there is no way to suppress error output from a psql script.
set client_min_messages to ERROR;
\set ON_ERROR_STOP off
set timescaledb.remote_data_fetcher = 'copy';
explain (analyze, verbose, costs off, timing off, summary off)
select 1 from metrics_dist_remote_error where ts_debug_shippable_error_after_n_rows(0, device_id)::int != 0;
ERROR: [<hidden node name>]: debug point: requested to error out after 0 rows, 1 rows seen
explain (analyze, verbose, costs off, timing off, summary off)
select 1 from metrics_dist_remote_error where ts_debug_shippable_error_after_n_rows(1, device_id)::int != 0;
ERROR: [<hidden node name>]: debug point: requested to error out after 1 rows, 1 rows seen
explain (analyze, verbose, costs off, timing off, summary off)
select 1 from metrics_dist_remote_error where ts_debug_shippable_error_after_n_rows(2, device_id)::int != 0;
ERROR: [<hidden node name>]: debug point: requested to error out after 2 rows, 2 rows seen
explain (analyze, verbose, costs off, timing off, summary off)
select 1 from metrics_dist_remote_error where ts_debug_shippable_error_after_n_rows(701, device_id)::int != 0;
ERROR: [<hidden node name>]: debug point: requested to error out after 701 rows, 701 rows seen
explain (analyze, verbose, costs off, timing off, summary off)
select 1 from metrics_dist_remote_error where ts_debug_shippable_error_after_n_rows(10000, device_id)::int != 0;
ERROR: [<hidden node name>]: debug point: requested to error out after 10000 rows, 10000 rows seen
explain (analyze, verbose, costs off, timing off, summary off)
select 1 from metrics_dist_remote_error where ts_debug_shippable_error_after_n_rows(16384, device_id)::int != 0;
ERROR: [<hidden node name>]: debug point: requested to error out after 16384 rows, 16384 rows seen
explain (analyze, verbose, costs off, timing off, summary off)
select 1 from metrics_dist_remote_error where ts_debug_shippable_error_after_n_rows(10000000, device_id)::int != 0;
Custom Scan (DataNodeScan) on public.metrics_dist_remote_error (actual rows=20000 loops=1)
Output: 1
Data node: data_node_1
Fetcher Type: COPY
Chunks: _dist_hyper_X_X_chunk, _dist_hyper_X_X_chunk
Remote SQL: SELECT NULL FROM public.metrics_dist_remote_error WHERE _timescaledb_internal.chunks_in(public.metrics_dist_remote_error.*, ARRAY[..]) AND ((public.ts_debug_shippable_error_after_n_rows(10000000, device_id) <> 0))
(6 rows)

-- We don't test fatal errors here, because PG versions before 14 are unable to
-- report them properly to the access node, so we get different errors in these
-- versions.
-- Now test the same with the cursor fetcher.
set timescaledb.remote_data_fetcher = 'cursor';
explain (analyze, verbose, costs off, timing off, summary off)
select 1 from metrics_dist_remote_error where ts_debug_shippable_error_after_n_rows(0, device_id)::int != 0;
ERROR: [<hidden node name>]: debug point: requested to error out after 0 rows, 1 rows seen
explain (analyze, verbose, costs off, timing off, summary off)
select 1 from metrics_dist_remote_error where ts_debug_shippable_error_after_n_rows(1, device_id)::int != 0;
ERROR: [<hidden node name>]: debug point: requested to error out after 1 rows, 1 rows seen
explain (analyze, verbose, costs off, timing off, summary off)
select 1 from metrics_dist_remote_error where ts_debug_shippable_error_after_n_rows(2, device_id)::int != 0;
ERROR: [<hidden node name>]: debug point: requested to error out after 2 rows, 2 rows seen
explain (analyze, verbose, costs off, timing off, summary off)
select 1 from metrics_dist_remote_error where ts_debug_shippable_error_after_n_rows(701, device_id)::int != 0;
ERROR: [<hidden node name>]: debug point: requested to error out after 701 rows, 701 rows seen
explain (analyze, verbose, costs off, timing off, summary off)
select 1 from metrics_dist_remote_error where ts_debug_shippable_error_after_n_rows(10000, device_id)::int != 0;
ERROR: [<hidden node name>]: debug point: requested to error out after 10000 rows, 10000 rows seen
explain (analyze, verbose, costs off, timing off, summary off)
select 1 from metrics_dist_remote_error where ts_debug_shippable_error_after_n_rows(10000000, device_id)::int != 0;
Custom Scan (DataNodeScan) on public.metrics_dist_remote_error (actual rows=20000 loops=1)
Output: 1
Data node: data_node_1
Fetcher Type: Cursor
Chunks: _dist_hyper_X_X_chunk, _dist_hyper_X_X_chunk
Remote SQL: SELECT NULL FROM public.metrics_dist_remote_error WHERE _timescaledb_internal.chunks_in(public.metrics_dist_remote_error.*, ARRAY[..]) AND ((public.ts_debug_shippable_error_after_n_rows(10000000, device_id) <> 0))
(6 rows)

-- Table with broken send for a data type.
create table metrics_dist_bs(like metrics_dist);
alter table metrics_dist_bs alter column v0 type bs;
select table_name from create_distributed_hypertable('metrics_dist_bs',
'time', 'device_id');
(1 row)

set timescaledb.enable_connection_binary_data to off;
insert into metrics_dist_bs
select * from metrics_dist_remote_error;
set timescaledb.enable_connection_binary_data to on;
explain (analyze, verbose, costs off, timing off, summary off)
select * from metrics_dist_bs;
ERROR: [<hidden node name>]: debug point: requested to error out after 7103 rows, 7103 rows seen
drop table metrics_dist_bs;
-- Table with broken receive for a data type.
create table metrics_dist_br(like metrics_dist);
alter table metrics_dist_br alter column v0 type br;
select table_name from create_distributed_hypertable('metrics_dist_br',
'time', 'device_id');
(1 row)

select hypertable_name, replication_factor from timescaledb_information.hypertables
where hypertable_name = 'metrics_dist_br';
hypertable_name | replication_factor
metrics_dist_br | 1
(1 row)

-- Test that INSERT and COPY fail on data nodes.
-- Note that we use the text format for the COPY input, so that the access node
-- doesn't call `recv` and fail by itself. It's going to use binary format for
-- transfer to data nodes regardless of the input format.
set timescaledb.dist_copy_transfer_format = 'binary';
-- First, create the reference.
\copy (select * from metrics_dist_remote_error) to 'dist_remote_error.text' with (format text);
-- We have to test various interleavings of COPY and INSERT to check that
-- one can recover from connection failure states introduced by another.
\copy metrics_dist_br from 'dist_remote_error.text' with (format text);
ERROR: [<hidden node name>]: debug point: requested to error out after 7103 rows, 7103 rows seen
\copy metrics_dist_br from 'dist_remote_error.text' with (format text);
ERROR: [<hidden node name>]: debug point: requested to error out after 7103 rows, 7103 rows seen
insert into metrics_dist_br select * from metrics_dist_remote_error;
ERROR: [<hidden node name>]: debug point: requested to error out after 7103 rows, 7103 rows seen
insert into metrics_dist_br select * from metrics_dist_remote_error;
ERROR: [<hidden node name>]: debug point: requested to error out after 7103 rows, 7103 rows seen
\copy metrics_dist_br from 'dist_remote_error.text' with (format text);
ERROR: [<hidden node name>]: debug point: requested to error out after 7103 rows, 7103 rows seen
-- Fail at different points
set timescaledb.debug_broken_sendrecv_throw_after = 1;
\copy metrics_dist_br from 'dist_remote_error.text' with (format text);
ERROR: [<hidden node name>]: debug point: requested to error out after 1 rows, 1 rows seen
set timescaledb.debug_broken_sendrecv_throw_after = 2;
\copy metrics_dist_br from 'dist_remote_error.text' with (format text);
ERROR: [<hidden node name>]: debug point: requested to error out after 2 rows, 2 rows seen
set timescaledb.debug_broken_sendrecv_throw_after = 1023;
\copy metrics_dist_br from 'dist_remote_error.text' with (format text);
ERROR: [<hidden node name>]: debug point: requested to error out after 1023 rows, 1023 rows seen
set timescaledb.debug_broken_sendrecv_throw_after = 1024;
\copy metrics_dist_br from 'dist_remote_error.text' with (format text);
ERROR: [<hidden node name>]: debug point: requested to error out after 1024 rows, 1024 rows seen
set timescaledb.debug_broken_sendrecv_throw_after = 1025;
\copy metrics_dist_br from 'dist_remote_error.text' with (format text);
ERROR: [<hidden node name>]: debug point: requested to error out after 1025 rows, 1025 rows seen
reset timescaledb.debug_broken_sendrecv_throw_after;
-- Same with different replication factor
truncate metrics_dist_br;
select set_replication_factor('metrics_dist_br', 2);

(1 row)

select hypertable_name, replication_factor from timescaledb_information.hypertables
where hypertable_name = 'metrics_dist_br';
hypertable_name | replication_factor
metrics_dist_br | 2
(1 row)

\copy metrics_dist_br from 'dist_remote_error.text' with (format text);
ERROR: [<hidden node name>]: debug point: requested to error out after 7103 rows, 7103 rows seen
\copy metrics_dist_br from 'dist_remote_error.text' with (format text);
ERROR: [<hidden node name>]: debug point: requested to error out after 7103 rows, 7103 rows seen
insert into metrics_dist_br select * from metrics_dist_remote_error;
ERROR: [<hidden node name>]: debug point: requested to error out after 7103 rows, 7103 rows seen
insert into metrics_dist_br select * from metrics_dist_remote_error;
ERROR: [<hidden node name>]: debug point: requested to error out after 7103 rows, 7103 rows seen
set timescaledb.debug_broken_sendrecv_throw_after = 1;
\copy metrics_dist_br from 'dist_remote_error.text' with (format text);
ERROR: [<hidden node name>]: debug point: requested to error out after 1 rows, 1 rows seen
set timescaledb.debug_broken_sendrecv_throw_after = 2;
\copy metrics_dist_br from 'dist_remote_error.text' with (format text);
ERROR: [<hidden node name>]: debug point: requested to error out after 2 rows, 2 rows seen
set timescaledb.debug_broken_sendrecv_throw_after = 1023;
\copy metrics_dist_br from 'dist_remote_error.text' with (format text);
ERROR: [<hidden node name>]: debug point: requested to error out after 1023 rows, 1023 rows seen
set timescaledb.debug_broken_sendrecv_throw_after = 1024;
\copy metrics_dist_br from 'dist_remote_error.text' with (format text);
ERROR: [<hidden node name>]: debug point: requested to error out after 1024 rows, 1024 rows seen
set timescaledb.debug_broken_sendrecv_throw_after = 1025;
\copy metrics_dist_br from 'dist_remote_error.text' with (format text);
ERROR: [<hidden node name>]: debug point: requested to error out after 1025 rows, 1025 rows seen
-- Should succeed with text format for data transfer.
set timescaledb.dist_copy_transfer_format = 'text';
\copy metrics_dist_br from 'dist_remote_error.text' with (format text);
-- Final check.
set timescaledb.enable_connection_binary_data = false;
select count(*) from metrics_dist_br;
(1 row)

set timescaledb.enable_connection_binary_data = true;
reset timescaledb.debug_broken_sendrecv_throw_after;
drop table metrics_dist_br;
-- Table with sleepy receive for a data type, to improve coverage of the waiting
-- code on the access node.
create table metrics_dist_bl(like metrics_dist);
alter table metrics_dist_bl alter column v0 type bl;
select table_name from create_distributed_hypertable('metrics_dist_bl',
'time', 'device_id');
(1 row)

-- We're using sleepy recv function, so need the binary transfer format for it
-- to be called on the data nodes.
set timescaledb.dist_copy_transfer_format = 'binary';
-- Test INSERT and COPY with slow data node.
\copy metrics_dist_bl from 'dist_remote_error.text' with (format text);
insert into metrics_dist_bl select * from metrics_dist_remote_error;
select count(*) from metrics_dist_bl;
(1 row)

drop table metrics_dist_bl;
drop table metrics_dist_remote_error;

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