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Composer Local Repository

I used this as a playground to build a pull request for composer to support local repositories. the basic idea behind local repositories is not, that you can store dependencies on your local system, it's all about storing multiple projects / packages in one huge repository. especially on projects with a lot of packages, managing all these dependencies can take a lot of time.

please take a look at fiddler and this blog post.

the Idea is the same but the implementation is different.

for now this is just an experiment, please let me know what you think.

how to use

git clone
git checkout local_repository
cd composer
composer install

cd ..
git clone
cd composer_local_downloader_demo

now you've a folder with 6 different composer projects.

find . -iname composer.json

if you take a closer lock at the composer.lock you'll find

"repositories": [
        "type": "local",
        "url": "../"
"extra": {
    "local-dependency": {}

the patched composer version has a new repository type called local. this type scans the directory (recursive, but excludes /vendors) and register all the packages.

when you run

cd proj1
./../../composer/bin/composer clear-cache && ./../../composer/bin/composer install

composer will install all the dependencies for proj1, the local repository will copy the required packages in the vendor directory and you can ship the project.

blacklisted paths

the local repository ignores sensitive paths. a path is considered as sensitive if

  • it's located in an vendor/ directory
  • a parent composer.json requires the package composer/installer

the local-dependency extra key

there are a lot of discussions about, if something like local depedendencies make sense. for example local dependencies can be a great way to save a lot of time, if you're using a monolithic repository approach but you'll get in trouble if you try to manage all your dependencies on your own. the extra key ensures that it's not suitable to manage third party dependencies using the local repository.

symlinks to boost the development productivity

sometimes you're developing on a project, that has a bunch of different packages. the packages are higly related to each other and the change frequency is very high. running composer update everytime can become a productivity issue. if you use local repositories you can symlink them.

./../../composer/bin/composer --prefer-symlink

now the directories are symlinked (windows does not support symlinks) and you can work in both directories.


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