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kmsquire committed Aug 2, 2014
2 parents 94a955c + 148d22a commit 2b09f1f
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Showing 2 changed files with 202 additions and 0 deletions.
3 changes: 3 additions & 0 deletions src/Images.jl
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -42,6 +42,7 @@ include("scaling.jl")

__init__() = LibMagick.init()

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -233,6 +234,8 @@ export # types

# phantoms
Expand Down
199 changes: 199 additions & 0 deletions src/nonmaxsup.jl
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,199 @@
# NONMAXSUP - Non-maxima suppression
# Usage:
# (im,location) = nonmaxsup(img, orient, radius);
# Function for performing non-maxima suppression on an image using an
# orientation image. It is assumed that the orientation image gives
# gradient angles in radians.
# Input:
# img - image to be non-maxima suppressed.
# orient - image containing gradient angles around each pixel in radians
# (-pi,pi)
# radius - Distance in pixel units to be looked at on each side of each
# pixel when determining whether it is a local maxima or not.
# This value cannot be less than 1.
# (Suggested value about 1.2 - 1.5)
# Returns:
# im - Non maximally suppressed image.
# location - Complex valued image holding subpixel locations of edge
# points. For any pixel the real part holds the subpixel row
# coordinate of that edge point and the imaginary part holds
# the column coordinate. (If a pixel value is 0+0i then it
# is not an edgepoint.)
# Notes:
# This function uses bilinear interpolation to estimate
# intensity values at ideal, real-valued pixel locations on each side of
# pixels to determine if they are local maxima.

# Copyright (c) 1996-2013 Peter Kovesi
# Centre for Exploration Targeting
# The University of Western Australia
# Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy
# of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal
# in the Software without restriction, subject to the following conditions:
# The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all
# copies or substantial portions of the Software.
# The Software is provided "as is", without warranty of any kind.

# December 1996 - Original version
# September 2004 - Subpixel localization added
# August 2005 - Made Octave compatible
# October 2013 - Final thinning applied to binary image for Octave
# compatbility (Thanks to Chris Pudney)
# June 2014 - Converted (and changed significantly) to Julia (Kevin Squire)

import Base.Graphics.Point

if !applicable(zero, Point)
zero(Point) = Point(0.0,0.0)

# Used to encode the sign, integral, and fractional components of
# an offset from a coordinate
immutable CoordOffset
s::Int # sign
i::Int # integer part
f::Float64 # fractional part

CoordOffset(x::Float64) = ((frac,i) = modf(x); CoordOffset(sign(i), int(i), abs(frac)))
(-)(off::CoordOffset) = CoordOffset(-off.s,-off.i, off.f)

# Precalculate x and y offsets relative to centre pixel for each orientation angle
function _calc_discrete_offsets(θ, radius, transposed)

θ_count = iround(pi/θ)
θ = pi/θ_count
angles = (0:θ_count)*θ

# x and y offset of points at specified radius and angles
# from each reference position.

if transposed
# θ′ = -π/2 - θ
xoffs = [CoordOffset( x) for x in -radius*sin(angles)]
yoffs = [CoordOffset(-y) for y in radius*cos(angles)]
xoffs = [CoordOffset( x) for x in radius*cos(angles)]
yoffs = [CoordOffset(-y) for y in radius*sin(angles)]

return xoffs, yoffs

# Discretize an array of orientation angles
function _discretize_angles(orient::AbstractArray, θ=pi/180)
= 1/θ
d_orient = similar(orient, Int)
for i = 1:length(d_orient)
g = orient[i]
angle = g < 0 ? (g+π)*: g*
d_orient[i] = iround(angle)+1

# Interpolate the value of an offset from a particular pixel
function _interp_offset(img::AbstractArray, x::Integer, y::Integer, xoff::CoordOffset, yoff::CoordOffset, Ix, Iy, pad)
fx = Ix[x + xoff.i + pad]
fy = Iy[y + yoff.i + pad]
cx = Ix[x + xoff.i + xoff.s + pad]
cy = Iy[y + yoff.i + yoff.s + pad]

tl = img[fy,fx] # Value at top left integer pixel location.
tr = img[fy,cx] # top right
bl = img[cy,fx] # bottom left
br = img[cy,cx] # bottom right

upperavg = tl + xoff.f * (tr - tl) # Now use bilinear interpolation to
loweravg = bl + xoff.f * (br - bl) # estimate value at x,y

return (upperavg + yoff.f * (loweravg - upperavg), img[fy,fx])

# Core thinning algorithm using nonmaximal suppression
function thin_edges_nonmaxsup_core!{T}(location, img::AbstractArray{T,2}, orient, radius, border, theta)
calc_subpixel = !isempty(location)

# Error checking
size(img) == size(orient) || error("image and gradient orientation image are of different sizes")
radius < 1.0 && error("radius must be >= 1")

# Precalculate x and y offsets relative to centre pixel for each orientation angle
transposed = spatialorder(img)[1] == "x"
xoffs, yoffs = _calc_discrete_offsets(theta, radius, transposed)

# Discretize orientation image
d_orient = _discretize_angles(orient, theta)

# Allocate output
(height,width) = size(img)
out = zeros(T, height, width)

# Indexes to use for border handling
pad = iceil(radius)
Ix = Images.padindexes(img, 2, pad, pad, border)
Iy = Images.padindexes(img, 1, pad, pad, border)

# Now run through the image interpolating grey values on each side
# of the centre pixel to be used for the non-maximal suppression.

for x = 1:width, y = 1:height
(c = img[y,x]) == 0.0 && continue # For thresholded images

or = d_orient[y,x] # Disretized orient
v1, n1 = _interp_offset(img, x, y, xoffs[or], yoffs[or], Ix, Iy, pad)

if (c > v1) & (c >= n1) # We need to check the value on the other side...
v2, n2 = _interp_offset(img, x, y, -xoffs[or], -yoffs[or], Ix, Iy, pad)

if (c > v2) & (c >= n2) # This is a local maximum.
out[y,x] = c # Record value in the output image.

if calc_subpixel
# Solve for coefficients of parabola that passes through
# [-1, v1] [0, img] and [1, v2].
# v = a*r^2 + b*r + c

# c = img[y,x]
a = (v1 + v2)/2 - c
b = a + c - v1

# location where maxima of fitted parabola occurs
r = -b/(2*a)
location[y,x] = transposed ? Point(y - r*yoffs[or].f, x + r*xoffs[or].f) :
Point(x + r*xoffs[or].f, y - r*yoffs[or].f)


# Main function call when subpixel location of edges is not needed
thin_edges_nonmaxsup(img::AbstractArray, orient::AbstractArray;
radius::Float64=1.35, border="replicate", theta=pi/180) =
copy(img, thin_edges_nonmaxsup_core!(Array(Point,(0,0)), img, orient, radius, border, theta))

# Main function call when subpixel location of edges is desired
function thin_edges_nonmaxsup_subpix(img::AbstractArray, orient::AbstractArray;
radius::Float64=1.35, border="replicate", theta=pi/180)
(height,width) = size(img)
location = zeros(Point, height, width)
out = thin_edges_nonmaxsup_core!(location, img, orient, radius, border, theta)

copy(img, out), copy(img, location)

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