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Example of writing fully unit testable asynchronous requests using ReSwift

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ReSwift Testable Async Pattern

An example of writing testable code with asynchronous requests using ReSwift, leaving your actions and reducers free of side-effects. See the example project for fully functional code with unit tests.


Better pattern

Now I think there's a better way to handle asynchronous actions, which uses middleware. I've made a similar project that demonstrates how that would work:

I am not planning to continue supporting this solution.


ReSwift documentation suggests to fire asynchronous operations directcly from within action creators:

func fetchGitHubRepositories(state: State, store: Store<State>) -> Action? {
    guard case let .LoggedIn(configuration) = state.authenticationState.loggedInState  else { return nil }

    Octokit(configuration).repositories { response in
        dispatch_async(dispatch_get_main_queue()) {
            store.dispatch(SetRepostories(repositories: .Repositories(response)))

    return SetRepositories(repositories: .Loading)

This makes it difficult to test action creators, as it is not clear how to replace Octokit object with a test stub.


Instead of firing asynchronous operations from withing action creators, fire them from a separate dedicated class, which can be unit tested:

class AsyncRequestHandler: StoreSubscriber {
    let dataService: DataService
    let store: DispatchingStoreType

    init(dataService: DataService, store: DispatchingStoreType) {
        self.dataService = dataService = store

    func newState(state: AppState) {
        if case FetchDataState.request = state.fetchDataState {
                .then { $0))) }
                .catch { $0))) }

Whenever state.fetchDataState value is set to FetchDataState.request, AsyncRequestHandler will initiate the fetchData asynchronous operation.


AsyncRequestHandler can be tested by giving it fake store and data service:

let testStore = TestStore()
let testDataService = TestDataService(data: "Hello")
let asyncRequestHandler = AsyncRequestHandler(dataService: testDataService, store: testStore)

let newState = AppState(remoteData: "", fetchDataState: FetchDataState.request)
asyncRequestHandler.newState(state: newState)

let expectedAction = SetFetchDataState(.success(data: "Hello"))
expect(testStore.dispatchedAction).toEventually(equal(expectedAction), timeout: 1)

Drawbacks and future improvements

With the current implementation, you'd have to create a new enum for each return type of an asynchronous action (the type of data that's passed in success case):

enum FetchPostsState {
    case none
    case request
    case success(posts: [Post])
    case error(error: Error)
enum FetchUsersState {
    case none
    case request
    case success(users: [User])
    case error(error: Error)
enum FetchWhateverState {
    case none
    case request
    case success(whatever: Whatever)
    case error(error: Error)

struct FetchPosts: Action { let state: FetchPostsState }
struct FetchUsers: Action { let state: FetchUsersState }
struct FetchWhatever: Action { let state: FetchWhateverState }

This will eventually be possible to solve using generics when SE-0143 gets released at some point with Swift 4.x. Then you would be able to create a generic asynchronous request state enum, which would be used with every asynchronous action:

enum AsyncRequestState<T> {
    case none
    case request
    case success(result: T)
    case error(error: Error)

struct FetchPosts: Action { let state: AsyncRequestState<[Post]> }
struct FetchUsers: Action { let state: AsyncRequestState<[User]> }
struct FetchWhatever: Action { let state: AsyncRequestState<Whatever> }


Example of writing fully unit testable asynchronous requests using ReSwift






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