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Tim Buckley edited this page Jun 4, 2014 · 3 revisions

How can I report an issue?

To report an issue, please email a description of the issue and your log file (currently written to a file named lifx-tasker.log on the root of your user storage) to the developer.

You may also file a bug report on the issue tracker.

Issue: The app crashes on startup!

Reason: Outdated Android release

The app currently requires Android 4.4. Unfortunately the 1.0 release had a misconfigured minimum version and was downloadable on older devices.

Issue: The app isn't detecting any bulbs!

Reason: Another poorly-behaved LIFX app is running in the background

Other apps, such as the official LIFX app, will prevent other LIFX apps from running in the background. You can attempt to close them by swiping them away in the app switcher, Force Closing them from the app settings, or rebooting.

Reason: Your phone can't see the LIFX bulbs

This is usually dependent on your network configuration. The Android emulator and VirtualBox VMs may have trouble detecting bulbs.

Issue: The app detects bulbs, but no actions work

Reason: Unknown

This is still being investigated. If you're willing, please describe the issue on the bug report page. Try to include the following:

  • Where does the issue occur? In the standalone app? From a Tasker action?
  • If a Tasker action, does the dedicated app work?

If possible, please also email a bug report to the developer. This can be done by navigating to the root of your user storage, locating the file named lifx-tasker.log, and sending that via your preferred method (Gmail, etc).