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Cryptocurrency price prediction tools


Simple usage

You can run the simple priceHistory script, which asks you for a date The script will make a prediction on how the price of ETH will change in that day. It queries the price history data from GDAX every time you run the script, so it does not require MongoDB to be set up.

node priceHistory.js

Setting up a MongoDB database

For the more advanced scripts, a MongoDB database to store price history data should be created.

  • It should be configured to run on the same host as you plan to run the Node.js scripts on and should be on port 27017.
  • It should contain a database named cryptopredictor that contains a collection priceHistory.

If you choose a different configuration, you can adjust the MongoDB database configuration used by editing the scripts in /dbUtils.

You need to then run a script that queries GDAX for the price history data and adds the price history data to MongoDB:

node -e 'require("./dbUtils/insertNewPriceHistory.js").run()'

Running a simulation of the ETH trading bots in /bots

Simply run testTradingBot.js with the MongoDB server running.

node testTradingBot

Running a server that can be queried for an ETH price prediction:

  • Run both priceHistoryUpdateService.js and server.js.
  • Query your server with a GET request to http://[ip address]:8080/api/prediction with a query parameter date.
    • The date value format is YYYY-MM-DD.
    • Example: http://localhost:8080/api/prediction?date=2017-07-02


Cryptocurrency price prediction tools







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