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Linked List implementation
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Signed-off-by: Tim Henderson <>
  • Loading branch information
timtadh committed Apr 27, 2016
1 parent 5810fc7 commit b730ff0
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207 changes: 207 additions & 0 deletions linked/node.go
@@ -0,0 +1,207 @@
package linked

import (

import (

// A doubly linked list node.
type Node struct {
Data types.Hashable
Next, Prev *Node

// Compares the Data of the node to the passed element.
func (n *Node) Equals(b types.Equatable) bool {
switch x := b.(type) {
case *Node: return n.Data.Equals(x.Data)
default: return n.Data.Equals(b)

// Compares the Data of the node to the passed element.
func (n *Node) Less(b types.Sortable) bool {
switch x := b.(type) {
case *Node: return n.Data.Less(x.Data)
default: return n.Data.Less(b)

// Hashes the Data of the node to the passed element.
func (n *Node) Hash() int {
return n.Data.Hash()

// A doubly linked list. There is no synchronization.
// The fields are publically accessible to allow for easy customization.
type LinkedList struct {
Length int
Head *Node
Tail *Node

func New() *LinkedList {
return &LinkedList{
Length: 0,
Head: nil,
Tail: nil,

func (l *LinkedList) Size() int {
return l.Length

func (l *LinkedList) Items() (it types.KIterator) {
cur := l.Head
it = func() (item types.Hashable, _ types.KIterator) {
if cur == nil {
return nil, nil
item = cur.Data
cur = cur.Next
return item, it
return it

func (l *LinkedList) Backwards() (it types.KIterator) {
cur := l.Tail
it = func() (item types.Hashable, _ types.KIterator) {
if cur == nil {
return nil, nil
item = cur.Data
cur = cur.Prev
return item, it
return it

func (l *LinkedList) Has(item types.Hashable) bool {
for x, next := l.Items()(); next != nil; x, next = next() {
if x.Equals(item) {
return true
return false

func (l *LinkedList) Push(item types.Hashable) (err error) {
return l.EnqueBack(item)

func (l *LinkedList) Pop() (item types.Hashable, err error) {
return l.DequeBack()

func (l *LinkedList) EnqueFront(item types.Hashable) (err error) {
n := &Node{Data: item, Next: l.Head}
if l.Head != nil {
l.Head.Prev = n
} else {
l.Tail = n
l.Head = n
return nil

func (l *LinkedList) EnqueBack(item types.Hashable) (err error) {
n := &Node{Data: item, Prev: l.Tail}
if l.Tail != nil {
l.Tail.Next = n
} else {
l.Head = n
l.Tail = n
return nil

func (l *LinkedList) DequeFront() (item types.Hashable, err error) {
if l.Head == nil {
return nil, errors.Errorf("List is empty")
item = l.Head.Data
l.Head = l.Head.Next
if l.Head != nil {
l.Head.Prev = nil
} else {
l.Tail = nil
return item, nil

func (l *LinkedList) DequeBack() (item types.Hashable, err error) {
if l.Tail == nil {
return nil, errors.Errorf("List is empty")
item = l.Tail.Data
l.Tail = l.Tail.Prev
if l.Tail != nil {
l.Tail.Next = nil
} else {
l.Head = nil
return item, nil

func (l *LinkedList) First() (item types.Hashable) {
if l.Head == nil {
return nil
return l.Head.Data

func (l *LinkedList) Last() (item types.Hashable) {
if l.Tail == nil {
return nil
return l.Tail.Data

// Can be compared to any types.IterableContainer
func (l *LinkedList) Equals(b types.Equatable) bool {
if o, ok := b.(types.IterableContainer); ok {
return list.Equals(l, o)
} else {
return false

// Can be compared to any types.IterableContainer
func (l *LinkedList) Less(b types.Sortable) bool {
if o, ok := b.(types.IterableContainer); ok {
return list.Less(l, o)
} else {
return false

func (l *LinkedList) Hash() int {
return list.Hash(l)

func (l *LinkedList) String() string {
if l.Length <= 0 {
return "{}"
items := make([]string, 0, l.Length)
for item, next := l.Items()(); next != nil; item, next = next() {
items = append(items, fmt.Sprintf("%v", item))
return "{" + strings.Join(items, ", ") + "}"

129 changes: 129 additions & 0 deletions linked/node_test.go
@@ -0,0 +1,129 @@
package linked

import "testing"

import (

import (

func init() {
if urandom, err := os.Open("/dev/urandom"); err != nil {
} else {
seed := make([]byte, 8)
if _, err := urandom.Read(seed); err == nil {

func randstr(length int) types.String {
if urandom, err := os.Open("/dev/urandom"); err != nil {
} else {
slice := make([]byte, length)
if _, err := urandom.Read(slice); err != nil {
return types.String(slice)

func randhex(length int) types.String {
if urandom, err := os.Open("/dev/urandom"); err != nil {
} else {
slice := make([]byte, length/2)
if _, err := urandom.Read(slice); err != nil {
return types.String(hex.EncodeToString(slice))

func TestEquals(t *testing.T) {
al := list.New(10)
ll := New()
for i := 0; i < 10; i++ {
if !ll.Equals(al) {
t.Fatalf("ll != al, %v != %v", ll, al)
t.Logf("ll %v", ll)
t.Logf("al %v", ll)

func TestPushPopSize(t *testing.T) {
al := list.New(10)
ll := New()
for i := 0; i < 10; i++ {
if !ll.Equals(al) {
t.Fatalf("ll != al, %v != %v", ll, al)
for i := 0; i < 10; i++ {
llItem, err := ll.Pop()
if err != nil {
alItem, err := al.Pop()
if err != nil {
if !alItem.Equals(llItem) {
t.Fatalf("llItem != alItem, %v != %v", llItem, alItem)
if !ll.Equals(al) {
t.Fatalf("ll != al, %v != %v", ll, al)

func TestFrontPushPopSize(t *testing.T) {
al := list.New(10)
ll := New()
for i := 0; i < 10; i++ {
al.Insert(0, ll.First())
if !ll.Equals(al) {
t.Fatalf("ll != al, %v != %v", ll, al)
for i := 0; i < 10; i++ {
llItem, err := ll.DequeFront()
if err != nil {
alItem, err := al.Get(0)
if err != nil {
err = al.Remove(0)
if err != nil {
if !alItem.Equals(llItem) {
t.Fatalf("llItem != alItem, %v != %v", llItem, alItem)
if !ll.Equals(al) {
t.Fatalf("ll != al, %v != %v", ll, al)

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