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gopkgr - Go Package Installer

by Tim Henderson

Packager and installer of source tarballs into a $GOPATH. BSD Licensed.


The vision is a tool which can package, install, and manage go code -- both binary and source. Currently, there is no standard way to package go projects for distribution (either with dependencies or without). This project aims to solve that problem. I do not aim at the moment to solve general dependency management. Rather I hope that "godep" will provide a robust depency management solution. This project will hopefully provide a solution for package, installation and managing environments.


Currently gopkgr consists of two things. One is a very simple system to tarball a src tree from a go path. It can also install such source trees (and remove them if you have the original tarball). This is very much at the "proof of concept" stage.

The second item is goenv which can manage a virtual environment for your project. You will have trees in a project managed by goenv. The first is your virtual environment where all your dependencies are installed. This goes under project/venv. The second is your code which goes under src as usual. Thus your environment variables will look like this:

PATH=/path/to/project/bin:/path/to/project/venv/bin:...(other entries)

The vision is ahead of the tool at the moment. But, I want to begin experimenting immediately with this concept. For too long we have suffered without a proper way to package our go code. Hopefully, this system will solve that issue.


go get
eval $(gopkgr --goenv-function) ## add this to your .bashrc

Making a virtual environment (or activating one)

goenv activate /path/to/project

Deactivating the virtual environment

goenv deactivate

Tarballing a source tree:

gopkgr mkpkg -o mytree.tar.gz /path/to/gopath

Installing a tarball (2 ways):

gopkgr install /path/to/gopath mytree.tar.gz
goenv install mytree.tar.gz

Removing a tarball (2 ways):

gopkgr remove /path/to/gopath mytree.tar.gz
goenv remove mytree.tar.gz

Making a tarball from a go-gettable url

goenv getpkg -o pkg.tar.gz
tar tzf pkg.tar.gz ## check that it is what you want

Make and install a tarball from a go-gettable url. This will put the tarball into <projects>/deps. It will be named echo <url>.tar.gz | sed 's/\//-/g'

goenv get


Please let me know via email or github issues. There are many improvements I want to make. In no particular order:

  • track what files are associated with what package
  • package manifests
  • universal binary distributions (fully cross compiled)
  • integration with godep or similar dependency tracking system
  • getting dependencies that are not distributed in the package
  • packages with seperate section for dependencies (not merged with project code)
  • support both projects that are developed root at src/... and go gettable projects
  • (your idea here!)


A packaging and installation system for Go.







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