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Move paper notes

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Move is a programming language for implementing custom transaction logic and smart contracts in the Libra protocol


  • The role of a blockchain programming language is to decide how transitions and state are represented.

Move design goals

First-class assets (resources)

  • The key feature of Move is the ability to define custom resource types. A resource can never be copied or discarded, only moved between program storage locations.
  • Safety guarantees enforced statically by Move's type system
  • Libra coin is implemented as an ordinary Move resource
  • Resource is declared inside a module.
  • Module declares one or many resource types and procedures that state how its resources are created, destroyed, updated.
  • A module can invoke other modules' procedures and use their types.


  • Thanks to transaction scripts and Move modules
  • A tx script is a single procedure with arbitrary Move code => customizable transactions
  • A tx script can invoke procedures of modules published
  • Tx scripts are atomic transactions
  • A module is a long-lived piece of code published in the global state


  • Move must reject programs that do not satisfy key properties: resource safety, type safety and memory safety.
  • Executable format of Move is a typed bytecode (higher than assembly, lower than source language).
  • Bytecode is checked for resource, type and memory safety by a "bytecode verifier" and then executed by an interpreter


Approaches to make Move more verification-friendly:

  1. No dynamic dispatch => target of each call is statically determined. Easier for verification tools.
  2. Limited mutability: every mutation to a Move value occurs through a reference (temporary value created a destroyed in the same tx). Bytecode verifier ensures at most one reference for a value exists at any point in time.
  3. Modularity: modules enforce data abstraction and encapsulate critical operations on resources.


  • Each read of a Move variable x must specify whether:

    • A) The usage moves x's value with move(...), rendering x unavailable
    • or B) copies the value with copy(...), leaving x available for continued use
  • Unrestricted types (such as u64 and address) can be handled either with move or copy.

  • Resources can only be moved.

  • Failing to move a resource when you must should trigger a bytecode verification error. For instance, you must make a deposit after a withdrawal of Libra coins.

  • Each account can contain 0 or more modules and 1 or more resources

  • An account can contain at most 1 resource of a type and at most 1 module with a given name

  • An account can hold multiple instances of a given resource types by wrapping: resource TwoCoins {c1: 0x0.Currency.Coin, c2: 0x0.Currency.Coin }

  • The address of the declaring module is part of a type => 0x0.Currency.Coin and 0x1.Currency.Coin are different types

The Currency module

See all modules in Move's standard library here.

Declaring the module and a resource

The following module is named Currency and declares a resource type called Coin:

module Currency {
  resource Coin { value: u64 }
  // ...
  • Coin is a struct type with a single field of type u64
  • The structure of Coin is opaque outside the module. This means:
    • Othe modules / tx scripts can only write or reference the value field via the module's public procedures
    • Only the module's procedures can create or destroy values of type Coin
  • Outside of the API exposed by this module, move is the only operation another module can perform on a Coin


public deposit(payee: address, to_deposit: Coin) {
  // Destroy the input Coin and record its value
  // Unpack<T> takes a resource, destroys it, and returns the values bound to the fields of the resource
  // Unpack<T> only works on resources declared in the current module
  let to_deposit_value: u64 = Unpack<Coin>(move(to_deposit));

  // Acquire a reference to the unique Coin resource in `payee` account
  // BorrowGlobal<T> returns a reference to the unique instance of T published in the passed address
  // `coin_ref` is a mutable reference to a Coin resource
  let coin_ref: &mut Coin = BorrowGlobal<Coin>(move(payee));

  // Increment the value of Coin in `payee` by the value of the Coin passed as argument
  // first obtaining a reference to the Coin's value field
  let coin_value_ref: &mut u64 = &mut move(coin_ref).value;
  let coin_value: u64 = *move(coin_value_ref);
  *move(coin_value_ref) = move(coin_value) + move(to_deposit_value);


public withdraw_from_sender(amount: u64): Coin {
  // Get a reference to the unique resource of type Coin published in sender's account
  let transaction_sender_address: address = GetTxnSenderAddress();
  let coin_ref: &mut Coin = BorrowGlobal<Coin>(move(transaction_sender_address));

  // Decrease the value of the referenced Coin by `amount`,
  // ensuring sender cannot withdraw more than what they have
  let coin_value_ref: &mut u64 = &mut move(coin_ref).value;
  let coin_value: u64 = *move(coin_value_ref);
  RejectUnless(copy(coin_value) >= copy(amount)); // Reverts entire tx upon failure
  *move(coin_value_ref) = move(coin_value) - copy(amount);
  // Create and return a new resource of type Coin with value `amount`
  let new_coin: Coin = Pack<Coin>(move(amount));
  // Resource is moved to the caller => caller now owns this Coin resource
  return move(new_coin);

The Move Language in detail

Global state

  • The global state is organized as a partial map from addresses to accounts
  • Accounts contain both resource data values and module code values
  • Different resources in an account must have distinct identifiers
  • Different modules in an account must have distinct names


  • A module consists of:
    • Name
    • Struct declarations (including resources)
    • Procedure declarations
  • Module's code can refer to a published module using a unique identifier (module's account address + module's name)
  • Procedures of a module declare rules for creating / writing / destroying the types declared by the module


  • Primitive types:

    • Boolean
    • Unsigned integers (64 bits)
    • Address (256 bits)
    • Fixed-size byte arrays
  • Struct: is a user-defined type declared by a module. Declared as a resource with resource

  • All primitives and non-resource structs are "unrestricted" types

  • Variables can be "resource" or "unrestricted" type

  • Resource variables:

    • Cannot be copied. Must be moved.
    • Cannot be reassigned. Otherwise is destroyed.
    • A reference cannot be de-referenced (since this would create a copy)
  • Unrestricted variables:

    • Can be copied
    • Can be reassigned
    • Can be dereferenced
    • If it's a struct, may not contain a field with a resource type


  • Move supports struct, primitive and reference values.
  • A struct cannot contain a reference field
  • Reference values are transient => a reference must be created and destroyed during execution of a tx script
  • References cannot reference other references. Only primitive and structs.
  • How to obtain references:
    • BorrowLoc reference to a local variable
    • BorrowField reference to a struct's field (only on struct type declared in current module)
    • BorrowGlobal reference to a resource published under an account (only on struct type declared in current module)

Procedures and transaction scripts

  • Procedure signature: visibility + typed formal params + return types

  • A procedure declaration contains:

    • Signature
    • Typed local variables
    • Array of bytecode instructions
  • Procedure can be uniquely identified with module identifier + signature

    • All procedure calls in Move are statically determined
  • Procedure visibility can be public or internal

    • Public: invoked by any module or tx script
    • Internal: only invoked within module
  • A module can only depend on modules that were published earlier in the linear tx history

  • A transaction script is a procedure declaration with no associated module

Bytecode interpreter

  • Stack-based interpreter for Move bytecode

  • Interpreter supports procedure calls:

    1. Caller pushes arguments to a procedure onto the stack
    2. Caller invokes Call instruction
    3. A new call stack frame is created for the callee, where pushed values are loaded into the callee's local variables
    4. Bytecode interpreter begins executing the instructions
  • Execution is metered (similar to EVM)

  • Each instruction costs gas

  • Interpreter tracks gas units remaining and halts if reaches zero


6 broad types of instructions:

  • Copying and moving data from local vars to stack (e.g. CopyLoc, MoveLoc) and moving data from stack to local vars (e.g. StoreLoc)
  • Operations on typed stack values: pushing constants, arithmetic / logic operations
  • Module builtins, such as:
    • Pack and Unpack for creating and destroying module's declared types
    • MoveToSender and MoveFrom for publishing and unpublishing the module's type under an account
    • BorrowField for acquiring a reference to a field of one of the module's types
  • Reference related instructions, such as:
    • ReadRef for reading references
    • WriteRef for writing references
    • ReleaseRef for destroying a reference
    • FreezeRef for turning a mutable into an immutable reference
  • Control-flow operations (conditional branching, calling, returning)
  • Blockchain-specific builtin operations: getting caller's address, creating a new account

See all instructions in the table of Move bytecode instructions.

Native modules

  • Some instructions (e.g. sha3) could be provided at bytecode-level. Instead, they're mplemented as modules in the "standard library".
  • Standard library procedures are declared as native
  • native procedures' bodies are provided by the Move VM

Bytecode verifier

  • Statically enforces safety properties for modueles and tx scripts
  • All Move programs must go through the verifier
  • Categories for checks:
    • Structural checks: bytecode is well-formed
    • Semantic checks on procedure bodies: incorrect arguments, dangling references, duplicating resources
    • Linking uses of struct and procedures: ilegally invoking internal procedures, using procedures that do not match declaration

Control-flow graph

  • Verifier constructs a control-flow graphg by decomposing the instructions into a collection of basic blocks.
  • Each basic block ends with branch or return instruction

Stack balance checking

  • Ensures callee cannot access stack locations that belong to callers

Type checking

  • Ensures each instruction and procedure is invoked with arguments of appropriate types
  • Types of local variables of a procedure are provided in bytecode
  • Types of stack values are inferred

Kind checking

Additional checks in type checking:

  • Resources cannot be duplicated
  • Resources cannot be destroyed
  • Resources must be used

Reference checking

  • All references must point to allocated storage (i.e. no dangling references)
  • All references must have safe read / write access
  • Reference checking scheme has "novel features" that will be a topic of a separate paper

Linking with global state

  • Linker checks that:
    • Used struct declarations match name and kind
    • Used procedure signatures match name + visibility + formal parameter types + return types

Move next steps

  • Implementing core Libra functionality: accounts, reserve management, addition / removal of validator nodes, handling of tx fees, cold wallets.
  • New language features
    • Generics, collections and events
    • Mechanism for versioning and updating modules, tx scripts and published resources
  • Improved DX
    • High-level source language
    • Improvements in IR
  • Formal specs and verification
    • A logical spec language and automated formal verification tool
  • Third-party Move modules
    • Creating a marketplace for high-assurance modules and providing effective tools for veryfing Move code