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 XFE, X File Explorer File Manager
 Copyright (C) 2002-2009 Roland Baudin

 This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General
 Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option) any later
 This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even 
 See the GNU General Public License for more details.

 Icons were taken from different file managers and desktops: gentoo, xplore, dfm, nautilus, Gnome, KDE, XFCE
 and some of them were modified.

 This software uses the FOX Toolkit Library (
 1. You must use the current stable Fox version 1.6.36 (required!) or higher in the 1.6.x branch. 
 The current version of xfe neither can be build using the Fox 1.0.x, 1.2.x, 1.4.x, nor using the 1.7.x series.
 2. UTF-8 is now supported, thus check that your LANG environment variable is set to be UTF-8 compliant otherwise
 accents and special characters could be wrong displayed. For composed characters to work (like ü or ê),
	Fox *must* be compiled with the --with-xim configure option.
  X File Explorer (xfe) is a lightweight file manager for X11, written using the FOX toolkit.
  It is desktop independent and can easily be customized.
  It has Commander or Explorer styles and it is very fast and small.
  xfe is based on the popular, but discontinued X Win Commander, originally written by Maxim Baranov.


    - Very fast graphic user interface
    - Small memory footprint
    - UTF-8 support
    - Commander/Explorer interface with four file manager modes: a) one panel, b) a directory tree
	  and one panel, c) two panels and d) a directory tree and two panels
    - Panels synchronization and switching 
    - Integrated text editor (X File Write, xfw)
    - Integrated text viewer (X File View, xfv)
    - Integrated image viewer (X File Image, xfi)
    - Integrated package (rpm or deb) viewer / installer / uninstaller (X File Package, xfp)
    - Copy/cut/paste files from and to your favorite desktop (GNOME/KDE/XFCE/ROX)
    - Drag and Drop files from and to your favorite desktop (GNOME/KDE/XFCE/ROX)
    - Root mode with authentication by su or sudo
    - Status line
    - File associations
    - Optional trash can for file delete operations (compliant with Freedesktop standards)
    - Auto save registry
    - Double click or single click files and directories navigation
    - Mouse right click pop-up menu in tree list and file lists
    - Change file attributes
    - Mount/Unmount devices (Linux only)
    - Warn when mount point are not responding (Linux only)
    - Toolbars
    - Bookmarks
    - Back and forward history lists for directory navigation
    - Path linker for directory navigation
    - Color themes (GNOME, KDE, Windows...)
    - Control themes (Standard or Clearlooks like)
    - Icon themes (xfe, GNOME, KDE, XFCE, Tango, Windows...)
    - Create / Extract archives (tar, compress, zip, gzip, bzip2, lzh, rar, ace, arj and 7zip formats are supported)
    - Tooltips with file properties
    - Progress bars or dialogs for lengthy file operations
    - Thumbnails image previews
    - Configurable key bindings
    - Startup notification (optional)
    - and much more...

 Default Key bindings
  Below are the global default key bindings. These key bindings are common to all X File applications.
    * Select all 						- Ctrl-A
    * Copy to clipboard					- Ctrl-C
	* Search                            - Ctrl-F
	* Search previous                   - Shift-Ctrl-G
	* Search next                       - Ctrl-G
	* Go to home directory              - Ctrl-H
    * Invert selection 					- Ctrl-I
	* Open file                         - Ctrl-O
	* Print file                        - Ctrl-P
    * Quit application  				- Ctrl-Q
    * Paste from clipboard				- Ctrl-V
	* Close window                      - Ctrl-W
    * Cut to clipboard					- Ctrl-X
    * Deselect all 						- Ctrl-Z
	* Display help						- F1
	* Create new file					- F2
    * Create new folder					- F7
	* Big icon list						- F10
	* Small icon list					- F11
	* Detailed file list				- F12
    * Toggle display hidden files   	- Ctrl-F6
	* Toggle display thumbnails  	    - Ctrl-F7
	* Go to working directory           - Shift-F2
	* Go to parent directory            - Backspace
	* Go to previous directory          - Ctrl-Backspace
	* Go to next directory              - Shift-Backspace

  Below are the default X File Explorer key bindings. These key bindings are specific to the xfe application.
    * Add bookmark	  				    - Ctrl-B
	* Filter files                      - ctrl-D
    * Execute command	  				- Ctrl-E
	* Create new symbolic link          - Ctrl-J
	* Switch panels                     - Ctrl-K
	* Clear location bar                - Ctrl-L
    * Mount file system (Linux only)	- Ctrl-M
    * Rename file						- Ctrl-N
    * Refresh panels					- Ctrl-R
	* Symlink files to location         - Ctrl-S
	* Launch terminal                   - Ctrl-T	
    * Unmount file system (Linux only)	- Ctrl-U
	* Synchronize panels                - Ctrl-Y
	* Create new window					- F3
    * Edit 								- F4
    * Copy files to location			- F5
    * Move files to location			- F6
    * File properties					- F9
    * One panel mode					- Ctrl-F1
    * Tree and panel mode   			- Ctrl-F2
    * Two panels mode					- Ctrl-F3
    * Tree and two panels mode			- Ctrl-F4
	* Toggle display hidden directories - Ctrl-F5
	* Go to trash can                   - Ctrl-F8
	* Create new root window			- Shift-F3
	* View                              - Shift-F4
	* Move files to trash can           - Del
	* Restore files from trash can      - Alt-Del
	* Delete files                      - Shift-Del
	* Empty trash can                   - Ctrl-Del
  Below are the default X File Image key bindings. These key bindings are specific to the xfi application.
	* Zoom to fit window                - Ctrl-F
	* Mirror image horizontally         - Ctrl-H
	* Zoom image to 100%                - Ctrl-I
	* Rotate image to left              - Ctrl-L
	* Rotate image to right             - Ctrl-R 
	* Mirror image vertically           - Ctrl-V
  Below are the default X File Write key bindings. These key bindings are specific to the xfw application.
	* Toggle word wrap mode             - Ctrl-K
	* Goto line                         - Ctrl-L
	* Create new document               - Ctrl-N
	* Replace string                    - Ctrl-R
	* Save changes to file              - Ctrl-S
	* Toggle line numbers mode	        - Ctrl-T
	* Toggle upper case mode            - Shift-Ctrl-U
	* Toggle lower case mode            - Ctrl-U
	* Redo last change                  - Ctrl-Y
	* Undo last change                  - Ctrl-Z
  X File View (xfv) and X File Package (xfp) only use some of the global key bindings.
  Note that all the default key bindings listed above can be customized in the xfe Preferences dialog. However,
  some key actions are hardcoded an cannot be changed. These include:

	* Ctrl-+ and Ctrl--                 - zoom in and zoom out image in xfi
	* Shift-F10							- display context menus in xfe
	* Return							- enter directories in file lists, open files, select button actions, etc.
	* Space                             - enter directories in file lists
	* Esc								- close current dialog, unselect files, etc.

 Drag and Drop operations
  Dragging a file or group or files (by moving the mouse while maintaining the left button pressed)
  to a directory or a file panel optionally opens a dialog that allows to select the file operation: copy,
  move, link or cancel.

 Trash system
  Starting with version 1.32, xfe implements a trash system that is fully compliant with the Freedesktop standards.
  This allows the user to move files to the trash can and to restore files from it, from within xfe or your favorite
  Note that the trash files location is now: $home/.local/share/Trash/files

  You can perform any xfe customization (layout, file associations, key bindings, etc.) without editing any file
  by hand. However, you may want to understand the configuration principles, because some customizations can also
  easily be done by manually editing the configurations files.
  Be careful to quit xfe before manually editing any configuration file, otherwise changes could not be taken
  into account.

  The system-wide configuration file xferc is located in /usr/share/xfe, /usr/local/share/xfe
  or /opt/local/share/xfe, in the given order of precedence. 

  Starting with version 1.32, the location of the local configuration files has changed. This is to be compliant
  with the Freedesktop standards.
  The local configuration files for xfe, xfw, xfv, xfi, xfp are now located in the ~/.config/xfe directory.
  They are named xferc, xfwrc, xfvrc, xfirc and xfprc.
  At the very first xfe run, the system-wide configuration file is copied into the local configuration file
  ~/.config/xfe/xferc which does not exists yet. If the system-wide configuration file is not found
  (in case of an unusal install place), a dialog asks the user to select the right place. It is thus easier to
  customize xfe (this is particularly true for the file associations) by hand editing because all the local options are
  located in the same file.

  Default PNG icons are located in /usr/share/xfe/icons/xfe-theme or /usr/local/share/xfe/icons/xfe-theme, depending
  on your installation. You can easily change the icon theme path in Preferences dialog. 

  File list
    - Select files and right click to open a context menu on the selected files
    - Press Ctrl + right click to open a context menu on the file panel
    - When dragging a file/folder to a folder, hold on the mouse on the folder to open it

  Tree list
    - Select a folder and right click to open a context menu on the selected folder
    - Press Ctrl + right click to open a context menu on the tree panel
    - When dragging a file/folder to a folder, hold on the mouse on the folder to expand it

  Copy/paste file names
    - Select a file and press Ctrl-C to copy its name into the clipboard. Then in a dialog,press Ctrl-V to paste
      the file name.
    - In a file operation dialog, select a filename in the line containing the source name and paste it directly
      to the destination using the middle button of your mouse. Then modify it to suit your needs.
  Startup notification
    - If Xfe was compiled with startup notification support, the user can disable it for all applications at the global
      Preferences level. He can also disable it for individual applications, by using the dedicated option in the first
      tab of the Properties dialog. This latter way is only available when the file is an executable.
      Disabling startup notification can be useful when starting an old application that doesn't support the startup
      notification protocol (e.g. Xterm).   

 Install from sources

     make install
  or use the RPM package for Redhat and compatible Linux distributions, or the deb package for Debian
  and compatible distributions.

 Build an RPM package

  You first need the correct fox-1.6.x and fox-devel-1.6.x packages to be installed.

  To create an RPM package from the xfe sources, simply type:
    rpmbuild -ta xfe-VVV.tar.gz

  where VVV is the xfe version number (e.g. 0.80).
  The created RPM package xfe-VVV-1.i386.rpm is usually located in /usr/src/rpm/RPM/i386, but this
  may vary depending on your distribution and/or your customizations.
  To install the created RPM package xfe-VVV-1.i386.rpm, enter the following command (as root):
    rpm -Uvh xfe-VVV-1.i386.rpm
 Build a Debian package

  You first need the correct libfox1.6 and libfox1.6-dev packages to be installed.
  Extract the sources and enter the source directory:
    tar zxvf xfe-VVV.tar.gz
    cd xfe-VVV
  Then, build the Debian package (no need to sign the package, thus the -uc -us options):
    fakeroot dpkg-buildpackage -uc -us
  And finally, install the created package (as root):
    cd ..
    dpkg -i xfe_VVV-1_i386.deb

  Please report any found bug to Roland Baudin <>. Don't forget to mention the xfe version you use,
  the FOX library version and your system name and version.

  xfe is now available in 19 languages but some translations are only partial. To translate xfe to your language,
  open the xfe.pot file located in the po directory of the source tree with a software like poedit, kbabel
  or gtranslator and fill it with your translated strings (be careful to the hotkeys and c-format characters),
  and then send it back to me. I'll be pleased to integrate your work in the next xfe release.
  If you have coded some interesting patch, please send it to me, I will try to include it in the next release...

  Many thanks to Maxim Baranov for his excellent X Win Commander and to all people that have provided useful
  patches, translations, tests and advices.
 [Last revision: 9/11/2009]


Fork of Xfe 1.32.1.







No releases published
