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Tink Money Manager iOS 0.15.0

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@kasper-lahti kasper-lahti released this 04 Mar 08:44
· 239 commits to master since this release
  • The SDK has been renamed to Money Manager.
  • The localized string for overspent budgets now include the budget target amount.
    Update the Budget.Progress.Over string to include a second parameter to display the target amount. For example: "%@ over budget of %@" for an English translation.
  • Fixed date formatting on weekly budget's overtime view.
  • Updated default icon used for BUDGET_SUGGEST_CREATE_FIRST insight.
  • Changed to use button instead of accent as the background color for the actionable insights card on the finance overview.

Migrating from TinkPFMUI to TinkMoneyManagerUI

Depending on how you've installed the SDK you need to make different changes to migrate.

Swift Package Manager

  1. In Swift Packages tab in the project settings, remove the TinkPFMUI package.
  2. Follow these instructions to link a target to a package product and enter this URL when asked for a package repository.
  3. Replace all imports of import TinkPFMUI with import TinkMoneyManagerUI.


  1. Change TinkPFMUI to TinkMoneyManagerUI in your project's Podfile.
  2. Run pod update
  3. Replace all imports of import TinkPFMUI with import TinkMoneyManagerUI.

Manual Installation

  1. Remove the existing TinkPFMUI.xcframework from your project.
  2. Drag the TinkMoneyManagerUI.xcframework into the Frameworks, Libraries, and Embedded Content section on your application targets’ General tab.
  3. Replace all imports of import TinkPFMUI with import TinkMoneyManagerUI.


If you were providing translations via TinkPFMUI.strings files you need to rename those files to TinkMoneyManagerUI.strings.