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Tink popover Angular directive


What is this repository for?

The Tink popover Angular directive provides you with a nice popover component.

Tink is an in-house developed easy-to-use front-end framework for quick prototyping and simple deployment of all kinds of websites and apps, keeping a uniform and consistent look and feel.




  1. Go to the root of your project and type the following command in your terminal:

    bower install tink-popover-angular --save

  2. Add the following files to your project:

    <link rel="stylesheet" href="bower_components/tink-core/dist/tink.css" /> (or one of the Tink themes)

    <script src="bower_components/tink-popover-angular/dist/tink-popover-angular.js"></script>

  3. Add tink.popover to your app module's dependency.

    angular.module('myApp', ['tink.popover']);

How to use


To use this directive you have to add tink-popover to the element of your choice and assign the content to tink-popover-template.

You can use the tink-popover-place and tink-popover-align options to position the popover container to your liking, however screen calculation will be applied to optimize the display of the popover, possibly overruling your set placement.

<button tink-popover="" tink-popover-place="left" tink-popover-align="bottom" tink-popover-template="views/popover-template.html">Left Popover</button>


Attr Type Default Details
data-tink-popover-template string '' The url of the popover template.
data-tink-popover-place string '' Defines where the popover will show. Possible values are top, left, right or bottom.
data-tink-popover-align string '' Alignment of the popover to the element. Possible values are left, center, right, top or bottom.
data-tink-arrow boolean true Whether the popover arrow is shown or not.


A working example can be found in the Tink documentation.

Contribution guidelines

  • If you're not sure, drop us a note
  • Fork this repo
  • Do your thing
  • Create a pull request

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