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Releases: tiny-http/tiny-http


06 Oct 16:27
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  • Bumped the minimum compiler version tested by CI to 1.56 - this is necessary due to an increasing number of dependencies introducing Cargo manifest features only supported on newer versions of Rust.

  • Add support for UNIX sockets
    Thanks to @ColonelThirtyTwo for adding support for binding to UNIX sockets when creating a tiny-http server. This change makes a few small breaking API modifications, if you are constructing ServerConfig manually you will need to use the new ListenAddr type rather than directly supplying a net::SocketAddr. Likewise Server::server_addr() will now return an enum that can represent either a TCP socket or a UNIX socket.

    Finally Request::remote_addr() now returns an Option<&SocketAddr> as UNIX sockets don't ever have a remote host.

  • Reduce required dependencies by switching to httpdate
    @esheppa replaced our internal HTTPDate type with the httpdate library (used extensively in the community by Hyper, Tokio and others) which reduces our baseline dependency tree from 18 crates to 5!

  • TestRequest::path no longer has a 'static bound, allowing for fuzzers to generate test request paths at runtime.

  • Unpinned zeroize so it can float around any stable ^1 version.

New Contributors

Full Changelog: 0.11.0...0.12.0


25 Feb 11:05
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  • Add support for Rustls

    Thanks to @3xmblzj5 and @travispaul for their help in implementing Rustls as a drop-in replacement for OpenSSL, you can now build tiny-http with TLS support without any external dependencies! OpenSSL will remain the default implementation if you just enable the ssl feature, but you are strongly encouraged to use ssl-rustls where possible!

  • Fix incorrect certificate chain loading

    Fix a longstanding bug where we were only loading the first (i.e. the leaf) certificate from any PEM file supplied by the user.


12 Jan 18:02
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  • Replace chrono with time-rs

    chrono was only used to store and format DateTime into the slightly odd format required by RFC 7231, so to avoid the numerous RUSTSEC advisories generated by the localtime_r issue, we can just drop it entirely and switch to time-rs.
    Unfortunately this means we need to bump our minimum tested compiler version to 1.51, and as such this change requires a full minor release.


14 Oct 14:51
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  • Rust 2018 Refactor

  • Enable prompt responses, before the request has been fully read

    This isn't an API change, but does result in different behaviour to 0.8.2 and so justifies a minor version bump.

    HTTP requests now return a boxed FusedReader which drops the underlying reader once it reaches EOF, such that the reader no longer needs to be explicitly consumed and the server may now respond with e.g. a "413 Payload too large" without waiting for the whole reader.

  • Bumped the minimum compiler version tested by CI to 1.48 (the version supported in Debian Bullseye)


11 May 22:19
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25 Apr 17:40
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11 May 16:40
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  • Don't honour client TE for 1xx or 204 responses

    Where we're sending an Informational (1xx) or No Content (204) response,
    per the RFC we should never set a Transfer-Encoding header, regardless
    of what the client supplied in its TE header.