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Integrate API with Nuxeo Event system


The bundles provides a service that wraps the Analytics Java lib provided by


This Service gives access to the 2 main API entry points : identifyand track.

Although this service can be used directly, the typical use case is to use the provided infrastructure to bridge Nuxeo events to calls.

For this, a generic listener is provided : based on the configuration it will convert / map Nuxeo events to calls to API.

A typical use case could be :

`loginSucceed`    in Nuxeo => call identify on
`documentCreated` in Nuxeo => call track    on	

Building / Install

Build :

mvn clean install

Install bundle

cp target/nuxeo-segmentio-connector-5.8.jar  $NX_TOMCAT/nxserver/plugins/.

Install lib

cp ~/.m2/repository/com/github/segmentio/analytics/0.3.1/analytics-0.3.1.jar  $NX_TOMCAT/nxserver/lib/.
cp ~/.m2/repository/com/google/code/gson/gson/2.2/gson-2.2.jar $NX_TOMCAT/nxserver/lib/.


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Server side integration

The SegmentIO API is exposed a Nuxeo Service and plugged to Nuxeo event bus via a mapping system.

The mapping is managed via the mapping extenson point.

The configuration mapping is based on Groovy Scripting engine.

Default mapping and Groovy context

When calling the API (identify or track), Nuxeo service will always send a minimal set of metadata :

  • email : principal.getEmail()
  • firstName : principal.getFirstName()
  • lastName : principal.getLastName()

However, you can override this default binding, by providing custom bindng for these fields email, firstName, lastName.

The parameters binding, is generated from a Groovy script evaluated in a context containing :

  • event : the Nuxeo event object
  • eventContext : context of the event (shortcut for event.getContext())
  • principal : the NuxeoPrincipal user object
  • mapping : the HashMap that will be used to resolve the mapping

If the event is associated to a Document event, the context will also contain :

  • doc : the source DocumentModel for the event
  • repository : name of the source repository
  • session : CoreSession
  • dest : DocumentRef to the target Document if any

The principal is normally extracted from the context and will be used to fetch the default values for email, firstName, lastName. If you need to use a different value for the principal, you can simply override the default resolution by putting a principal field in the binding.

Parameters bindings

Here is a simple binding :

Bind loginSucceed to call identify on

<mapper name="testIdentify" targetAPI="Identify">
    <parameter name="plugin">eventContext.getProperty("AuthenticationPlugin")</parameter>
    <parameter name="company">principal.getCompany()</parameter>

Bind documentCreated to call track on and propagate document title

<mapper name="testTrac" >
    <parameter name="title">doc.getTitle()</parameter>

Direct Groovy scripting

The parameters system is used to generate a Groovy script.

Typically, this XML configuration

    <parameter name="plugin">eventContext.getProperty("AuthenticationPlugin")</parameter>
    <parameter name="company">principal.getCompany()</parameter>

Will result in this script

    mapping.put("plugin", );
    mapping.put("company", principal.getCompany());

If needed you can directly contribute the groovy script in addition or in replacement of the parameters binding.

Client side integration

It may be useful to also provide a client side integration.

JSF / BackOffice

When deployed the segment-io bundle will automatically extend the default footer to include script.

This includes :

  • dynamic loading analytics.js + dependencies
  • init analytics.js with the configured WriteKey
  • calling page API
  • calling identify API once per session

You can also do a direct integration in your xhtml template using :

<ui:include src="/incl/segmentio.xhtml" />

Other Web UI

Outside of JSF, for example in WebEngine, you can include a dynamically generated script :

<script src="/nuxeo/site/segmentIO"></script>

This script will :

  • dynamic loading analytics.js + dependencies
  • init analytics.js with the configured WriteKey
  • calling page API

If you want to call the identify API, you can directly call

identifyIfNeeded(login, email)

A typical call in the context of a WebEngine page would be :

identifyIfNeeded('${}', '${}');

NB : this script is served as anonymous.

An alternative is to use a script that is generated for your user:

<script src="/nuxeo/site/segmentIO/user/XXX"></script>

XXX should be the actual login of the currently loggedin user.

Typically :

<script src="/nuxeo/site/segmentIO/user/${}"></script>

NB : this script is served for authenticated users.


Integrate API with Nuxeo Event system







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