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Milk Plant

The goal of project is to test several approaches for doing data persistence and data access in multi-layered applications

Domain Entities

Domain Entities

Domain Logic (Set of Services)

Domain Logic

Common Flow:

  • add products
  • add distributors
  • add trucks
  • save warehouse operations history
  • calculate delivery plan (essential operation) which is based on previously imported (inserted) data

Delivery Plan Calculation Rules

  • produced products should be delivered firstly to distributors which are selling best and which will be first to run out of stock
  • volume of stock and sales rate are calculated for 10-day plan period - that is to calculate need for certain product for plan period, sales rate should be multiplied by 10, and sales rate itself should be calculated using 10-day history of sales (today, yesterday, ..., today - 10 days)
  • expected end result is plan for truck drivers: when, how many, and where they should deliver certain product
  • such plan is calculated daily and should contain entries with certain constant date and varying (from 08:00 till 20:00) time
  • to calculate time of delivery average truck speed and distance to distributor should be used (but do not forget to multiply this time by two - truck is going there and back), time for rest should not be considered as it is already accounted in truck average speed

For Collaborators

If you want to implement backend, let's say, using MongoDB, please create branch with name in format "{Technology}-{YourName}" and then commit only to this branch. Then, when everything is ready, please do pull request to see your implementation in master branch which is considered to be stable.


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