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tiweGH edited this page Apr 2, 2018 · 22 revisions


  1. Outline
  2. Method Summary
  3. Filter Types
    1. Time-Related Filter
    2. Threshold-Related Filter
    3. Boolean Filter
    4. Advanced Filter


For data filtering we provide the abstract Filter class. Filters can be registered at processing services like the DataSlicer and have to extend the Filter class. Multiple filters are combined with the logical "and" paradigm. As shown in the figure below, filters take a data array together with options. The filter will delete not matching data from the array and returns the wanted data together with a list of time spans where continuous data is present (this could be used to find the data in the complete array again). Filter

For basic method summary, see also the Filter Javadoc
Also note, thall all relevant parameters for initialization have to be given via a FilterOption Object,
see FilterOption and its subclasses

Filter Types

Time-Related Filter

This kind of filter is used to find a time point or a time span where some kind of event happened or some kind of data is available or not available. For instance, if you want to check the basal insulin rate you search for time spans where no bolus is given. Filters of the time point type should provide a margin option enable data observation around the found point.

See also: DateTimePointFilter, DateTimeSpanFilter, TimePointFilter, TimeSpanFilter Filter

Threshold-Related Filter

This kind of filter are used to find data over or under a certain threshold.
See also: ThresholdFilter Filter

Boolean Filter

These Filter provide logical "And"/conjunction, "Or"/disjunction and "Negation" behavior for one or mulitple Filters.

Advanced Filter

Combine Filter behaviour of multiple filters, or query results.
If you want to create combined Filters, see Combination Filter

These Filters are usually non-commutative, meaning the order of executuion matters for the final result!

Filters with advanced behaviour are: