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update demo to latest keymaster version (fixes FF error)
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madrobby committed Aug 30, 2011
1 parent bd7b41e commit a1477f1
Showing 1 changed file with 54 additions and 21 deletions.
75 changes: 54 additions & 21 deletions keymaster.js
Expand Up @@ -7,96 +7,129 @@
_handlers = {},
_mods = { 16: false, 18: false, 17: false, 91: false },
_scope = 'all',
// modifier keys
shift: 16,
'⇧': 16, shift: 16,
option: 18, '⌥': 18, alt: 18,
ctrl: 17, control: 17,
command: 91, '⌘': 91 },
ctrl: 17, control: 17,
command: 91, '⌘': 91
// special keys
_MAP = {
backspace: 8, tab: 9,
backspace: 8, tab: 9, clear: 12,
enter: 13, 'return': 13,
escape: 27, space: 32,
esc: 27, escape: 27, space: 32,
left: 37, up: 38,
right: 39, down: 40 };

right: 39, down: 40,
del: 46, 'delete': 46,
home: 36, end: 35,
pageup: 33, pagedown: 34 };

for(k=1;k<20;k++) _MODIFIERS['f'+k] = 111+k;

// handle keydown event
function dispatch(event){
var key, tagName, handler, k,i, hl, hmi, hmil, modifiersMatch;
var key, tagName, handler, k, i, modifiersMatch;
tagName = ( || event.srcElement).tagName;
key = event.keyCode;

// if a modifier key, set the key.<modifierkeyname> property to true and return
if(key == 93 || key == 224) key = 91; // right command on webkit, command on Gecko
if(key in _mods) {
_mods[key] = true;
// 'assignKey' from inside this closure is exported to window.key
for(k in _MODIFIERS) if(_MODIFIERS[k] == key) assignKey[k] = true;

// ignore keypressed in any elements that support keyboard data input
if (tagName == 'INPUT' || tagName == 'SELECT' || tagName == 'TEXTAREA') return;

// abort if no potentially matching shortcuts found
if (!(key in _handlers)) return;
for (i = 0, hl = _handlers[key].length; i < hl; i++) {

// for each potential shortcut
for (i = 0; i < _handlers[key].length; i++) {
handler = _handlers[key][i];

// see if it's in the current scope
if(handler.scope == _scope || handler.scope == 'all'){
modifiersMatch = (handler.mods.length > 0 && (function(){
for(hmi = 0, hmil = handler.mods.length; hmi < hmil; hmi++)
return false;
return true;
// check if modifiers match if any
modifiersMatch = handler.mods.length > 0;
for(k in _mods)
if((!_mods[k] && handler.mods.indexOf(+k) > -1) ||
(_mods[k] && handler.mods.indexOf(+k) == -1)) modifiersMatch = false;
// call the handler and stop the event if neccessary
if((handler.mods.length == 0 && !_mods[16] && !_mods[18] && !_mods[17] && !_mods[91]) || modifiersMatch){
if(handler.method(event, handler.key, handler.scope)===false){
if(event.stopPropagation) event.stopPropagation();
if(event.cancelBubble) event.cancelBubble();
if(event.preventDefault) event.preventDefault();
else event.returnValue = false;
if(event.stopPropagation) event.stopPropagation();
if(event.cancelBubble) event.cancelBubble = true;

// unset modifier keys on keyup
function clearModifier(event){
var key = event.keyCode, k;
if(key == 93 || key == 224) key = 91;
if(key in _mods) {
_mods[key] = false;
for(k in _MODIFIERS) if(_MODIFIERS[k] == key) assignKey[k] = false;

// parse and assign shortcut
function assignKey(key, scope, method){
var keys, mods, i, mi, kl, ml;
var keys, mods, i, mi;
if (method === undefined) {
method = scope;
scope = 'all';
key = key.replace(/\s/g,'');
keys = key.split(',');
for (i = 0, kl = keys.length; i < kl; i++) {
// for each shortcut
for (i = 0; i < keys.length; i++) {
// set modifier keys if any
mods = [];
key = keys[i].split('+');
if(key.length > 1){
mods = key.slice(0,key.length-1);
for (mi = 0, ml = mods.length; mi < ml; mi++)
for (mi = 0; mi < mods.length; mi++)
mods[mi] = _MODIFIERS[mods[mi]];
key = [key[key.length-1]];
// convert to keycode and...
key = key[0]
key = key.length > 1 ? _MAP[key] : key.toUpperCase().charCodeAt(0);
// handler
if (!(key in _handlers)) _handlers[key] = [];
_handlers[key].push({ scope: scope, method: method, key: keys[i], mods: mods });

// initialize key.<modifier> to false
for(k in _MODIFIERS) assignKey[k] = false;

// set current scope (default 'all')
function setScope(scope){ _scope = scope || 'all' };

// cross-browser events
function addEvent(object, event, method) {
if (object.addEventListener)
object.addEventListener(event, method, false);
else if(object.attachEvent)
object.attachEvent('on'+event, function(){ method(window.event) });

// set the handlers globally on document
addEvent(document, 'keydown', dispatch);
addEvent(document, 'keyup', clearModifier);

// set window.key and window.key.setScope
global.key = assignKey;
global.key.setScope = setScope;

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