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File metadata and controls

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Writing processes

Process is a central building block of the Resolwe's dataflow. Formally, a process is an algorithm that transforms inputs to outputs. For example, a Word Count process would take a text file as input and report the number of words on the output.


Word Count process with input doc of type basic:file and output words of type basic:integer.

When you execute the process, Resolwe creates a new Data object with information about the process instance. In this case the document and the words would be saved to the same Data object. What if you would like to execute another analysis on the same document, say count the number of lines? We could create a similar process Number of Lines that would also take the file and report the number of lines. However, when we would execute the process we would have 2 copies of the same document file stored on the platform. In most cases it makes sense to split the upload (data storage) from the analysis. For example, we could create 3 processes: Upload Document, Word Count and Number of Lines.


Separate the data storage (Upload Document) and analysis (Word Count, Number of Lines). Notice that the Word Count and Number of Lines processes accept Data objects of type data:doc---the type ot the Upload Document process.

Resolwe handles the execution of the dataflow automatically. If you were to execute all three processes at the same time, Resolwe would delay the execution of Word Count and Number of Lines until the completion of Upload Document. Resolwe resolves dependencies between processes.

A processes is defined by:

  • Inputs
  • Outputs
  • Meta-data
  • Algorithm

Processes are stored in the data base in the Process model. A process' algorithm runs automatically when you create a new Data object. The inputs and the process name are required at Data create, the outputs are saved by the algorithm, and users can update the meta-data at any time. The :ref:`process-syntax` chapter explains how to add a process definition to the Process data base model

Processes can be chained into a dataflow. Each process is assigned a type (e.g., data:wc). The Data object created by a process is implicitly assigned a type of that process. When you define a new process, you can specify which data types are required on the input. In the figure below, the Word Count process accepts Data objects of type data:doc on the input. Types are hierarchical with each level of the hierarchy separated by a colon. For instance, data:doc:text would be a sub-type of data:doc. A process that accepts Data objects of type data:doc, also accepts Data objects of type data:doc:text. However, a process that accepts Data objects of type data:doc:text, does not accept Data objects of type data:doc.


Types are hierarchical. When you define the type on the input, keep in mind that the process should also handle all sub-types.

Process syntax

A process can be written in any syntax as long as you can save it to the Process model. The most straight-forward would be to write in Python, using the Django ORM:

p = Process(name='Word Cound',
            inputs = [{
                'name': 'document',
                'type': 'basic:file:'
            outputs = [{
                'name': 'words',
                'type': 'basic:integer:'
            run = {
                'bash': 'WORDS=`wc {{ document.file }}\n`' +
                        'echo {"words": $WORDS}'

We suggest to write processes in the YAML syntax. Resolwe includes a register Django command that parses .yml files in the processes directory and adds the discovered processes to the Process model:

./ register

Do not forget to re-register the process after you make changes to the .yml file. You have to increase the process version each time you register it. For development, you can use the --force option (or -f for short):

./ register -f

This is an example of :download:`the smallest processor <example/example/processes/minimal.yml>` in YAML syntax:

.. literalinclude:: example/example/processes/minimal.yml
   :language: yaml

This is the example of the :download:`basic Word Count <example/example/processes/example_basic.yml>` implementation in the YAML syntax (with the document file as input):

.. literalinclude:: example/example/processes/example_basic.yml
   :language: yaml

If you would like to review the examples of the three processes mentioned above (Upload Document, Word Count and Number of Lines), :download:`follow this link <example/example/processes/example.yml>`. Read more about the process options in :ref:`process-schema` below.

Process schema

Process is defined by a set of fields in the Process model. We will describe how to write the process schema in YAML syntax. Some fields in the YAML syntax have different name or values than the actual fields in the Process model. See an :download:`example of a process with all fields <example/example/processes/all_fields.yml>`. Fields in a process schema:

Field Short description Required Default
:ref:`slug <slug>` unique id required  
:ref:`name <name>` human readable name required  
:ref:`description <description>` detailed description optional <empty string>
:ref:`version <version>` version numbering optional  
:ref:`type <type>` data type required  
:ref:`category <category>` menu category optional <empty string>
:ref:`persistence <persistence>` storage optimization optional RAW
:ref:`scheduling_class <sch>` scheduling class optional batch
:ref:`input <io>` list of input fields optional <empty list>
:ref:`output <io>` list of result fields optional <empty list>
:ref:`run <run>` the algorithm required  
:ref:`requirements <reqs>` requirements optional <empty dict>












The category is used to arrange processes in a GUI. A category can be any string of lowercase letters, numbers, - and :. The colon is used to split categories into sub-categories (e.g., analyses:alignment).

We have predefined three top categories: upload, import and analyses. Processes without this top category will not be displayed in the GenBoard interface, but will be available on the platform.


Use RAW for imports. CACHED or TMP processes should be idempotent.

Scheduling class

The scheduling class specifies how the process should be treated by the scheduler. There are two possible values:

  • batch is for long running tasks, which require high throughput.
  • interactive is for short running tasks, which require low latency. Processes in this scheduling class are given a limited amount of time to execute (default: 30 seconds).

The default value for processes is batch.

Input and Output

A list of Resolwe Fields that define the inputs and outputs of a process. A Resolwe Field is defined as a dictionary of the following properties:

Required Resolwe Field properties:

  • name - unique name of the field
  • label - human readable name
  • type - type of field (either basic:<...> or data:<...>)

Optional Resolwe Field properties (except for group):

  • description - displayed under titles or as a tooltip
  • required - (choices: true, false)
  • disabled - (choices: true, false)
  • hidden - (choices: true, false)
  • default - initial value
  • placeholder - placeholder value displayed if nothing is specified
  • validate_regex - client-side validation with regular expression
  • choices - list of choices to select from (label, value pairs)

Optional Resolwe Field properties for group fields:

  • description - displayed under titles or as a tooltip
  • disabled - (choices: true, false)
  • hidden - (choices: true, false)
  • collapsed - (choices: true, false)
  • group - list of process fields

TODO: explain what is field schema. For field schema details see fieldSchema.json.


The algorithm that transforms inputs into outputs. Bash and workflow languages are currently supported and we envision more language support in the future (e.g., directly writing processes in Python or R). Commands should be written to a program subfield.

TODO: link a few lines from the all_fields.yml process


A dictionary defining optional features that should be available in order for the process to run. There are several different types of requirements that may be specified:

  • expression-engine defines the name of the engine that should be used to evaluate expressions embedded in the run section. Currently, only the jinja expression engine is supported. By default no expression engine is set, so expressions cannot be used and will be ignored.
  • executor defines executor-specific options. The value should be a dictionary, where each key defines requirements for a specific executor. The following executor requirements are available:
    • docker:
      • image defines the name of the Docker container image that the process should run under.
  • resources define resources that should be made available to the process. The following resources may be requested:
    • cores defines the number of CPU cores available to the process. By default, this value is set to 1 core.
    • memory defines the amount of memory (in megabytes) that the process may use. By default, this value is set to 4096 MiB.
    • network should be a boolean value, specifying whether the process requires network access. By default this value is false.


Types are defined for processes and Resolwe Fields. Data objects have implicitly defined types, based on the corresponding processor. Types define the type of objects that are passed as inputs to the process or saved as outputs of the process. Resolwe uses 2 kinds of types:

  • basic:
  • data:

Basic: types are defined by Resolwe and represent the data building blocks. Data: types are defined by processes. In terms of programming languages you could think of basic: as primitive types (like integer, float or boolean) and of data: types as classes.

Resolwe matches inputs based on the type. Types are hierarchical, so the same or more specific inputs are matched. For example:

  • data:genome:fasta: will match the data:genome: input, but
  • data:genome: will not match the data:genome:fasta: input.


Types in a process schema do not have to end with a colon. The last colon can be omitted for readability and is added automatically by Resolwe.

Basic types

Basic types are entered by the user. Resolwe implements the backend handling (storage and retrieval) of basic types and GenBoard supports the HTML5 controls.

The following basic types are supported:

  • basic:boolean: - boolean
  • basic:date: - date (format yyyy-mm-dd)
  • basic:datetime: - date and time (format yyyy-mm-dd hh:mm:ss)
  • basic:decimal: - decimal number (e.g., -123.345)
  • basic:integer: - whole number (e.g., -123)
  • basic:string: - short string
  • basic:text: - multi-line string
  • basic:url:link: - visit link
  • basic:url:download: - download link
  • basic:url:view: - view link (in a popup or iframe)
  • basic:file: - a file, stored on shared file system
  • basic:dir: - a directory, stored on shared file system
  • basic:json: - a JSON object, stored in MongoDB collection
  • basic:group: - list of form fields (default if nothing specified)

The values of basic data types are different for each type, for example: basic:file: data type is a JSON dictionary: {"file": "file name"} basic:dir: data type is a JSON dictionary: {"dir": "directory name"} basic:string: data type is just a JSON string

Resolwe treats types differently. All but basic:file:, basic:dir: and basic:json: are treated as meta-data. basic:file: and basic:dir: objects are saved to the shared file storage, and basic:json: objects are stored in PostgreSQL bjson field. Meta-data entries have references to basic:file:, basic:dir: and basic:json: objects.

Data types

Data types are defined by processes. Each process is itself a data: sub-type named with the type attribute. A data: sub-type is defined by a list process outputs. All processes of the same type should have the same outputs.

Data type name:

  • data:<type>[:<sub-type>[...]]:

The algorithm

Algorithm is the key component of a process. The algorithm transforms process's inputs into outputs. It is written as a sequence of Bash commands in process's run.program field.


In this section, we assume that the program is written using the bash language and having the expression-engine requirement set to jinja.

To write the algorithm in a different language (e.g., Python), just put it in a file with an appropriate shebang at the top (e.g., #!/usr/bin/env python2 for Python2 programs) and add it to the tools directory. To run it simply call the script with appropriate arguments.

For example, to compute a Volcano plot of the baySeq data, use:

Platform utilities

Resolwe provides some convenience utilities for writing processes:

  • re-import

    is a convenience utility that copies/downloads a file from the given temporary location, extracts/compresses it and moves it to the given final location. It takes six arguments:

    1. file's temporary location or URL

    2. file's final location

    3. file's input format, which can have one of the following forms:

      • ending1|ending2: matches files that end with ending1 or ending2 or a combination of (ending1|ending2).(gz|bz2|zip|rar|7z|tgz|tar.gz|tar.bz2)
      • ending1|ending2|compression: matches files that end with ending1 or ending2 or a combination of (ending1|ending2).(gz|bz2|zip|rar|7z|tgz|tar.gz|tar.bz2) or just with a supported compression format line ending (gz|bz2|zip|rar|7z)
    4. file's output format (e.g., fasta)

    5. maximum progress at the end of transfer (a number between 0.0 and 1.0)

    6. file's output format, which can be one of the following:

      • compress: to produce a compressed file
      • extract: to produce an extracted file

      If this argument is not given, both, the compressed and the extracted file are produced.

For storing the results to process's output fields, Resolwe provides a series of utilities. They are described in the :ref:`algorithm-outputs` section.


TODO: Write about BioLinux and what is available in the Docker runtime.


To access values stored in process's input fields, use Jinja2's template language syntax for accessing variables. For example, to access the value of process's fastq input field, write {{ fastq }}.

In addition to all process's input fields, Resolwe provides the following system variables:

  • proc.case_ids: ids of the corresponding cases
  • proc.data_id: id of the data object
  • proc.data_dir: file system path of the data object's directory
  • proc.slugs_path: file system path to Resolwe's slugs

Resolwe also provides some custom built-in filters to access the fields of the referenced data objects:

  • id: returns the id of the referenced data object
  • type: returns the type of the referenced data object
  • name: returns the value of the field if it exists

For example, to use these filters on the reads field, use {{ reads|id }}, {{ reads|type }} or {{ reads|name }}, respectively.

You can also use any Jinja2's built in template tags and filters in your algorithm.


All input variables should be considered unsafe and will be automatically quoted when used in your scripts. For example, the following call: {{ reads.fastq.0.file }}

will actually be transformed into something like (depending on the value): '/path/to/reads with spaces.gz'

If you do not want this behaviour for a certain variable and you are sure that it is safe to do so, you can use the safe filter as follows: {{ known_good_input | safe }}


Processes have three options for storing the results:

  • as files in data object's directory (i.e. {{ proc.data_dir }})
  • as constants in process's output fields
  • as entries in the MongoDB data storage


Files are stored on a shared file system that supports fast read and write accesss by the processes. Accessing MongoDB from a process requires more time and is suggested for interactive data retrieval from GenPackages only.

Saving status

There are two special fields that you should use:

  • proc.rc: the return code of the process
  • proc.progress: the process's progress

If you set the proc.rc field to a positive value, the process will fail and its status will be set to ERROR. All processes that depend on this process will subsequently fail and their status will be set to ERROR as well.

The proc.progress field can be used to report processing progress interactively. You can set it to a value between 0 and 1 that represents an estimate for process's progress.

To set them, use the re-progress and re-checkrc utilities described in the :ref:`algorithm-outputs-re-save-and-friends` section.

Resolwe provides some specialized utilities for reporting process status:

  • re-error

    takes one argument and stores it to proc.error field. For example:

    re-error "Error! Something went wrong."
  • re-warning

    takes one argument and stores it to proc.warning field. For example:

    re-warning "Be careful there might be a problem."
  • re-info

    takes one argument and stores it to field. For example:

    re-info "Just say hello."
  • re-progress

    takes one argument and stores it to proc.progress field. The argument should be a float between 0 and 1 and represents an estimate for process's progress. For example, to estimate the progress to 42%, use:

    re-progress 0.42
  • re-checkrc

    saves the return code of the previous command to proc.rc field. To use it, just call:


    As some programs exit with a non-zero return code, even though they finished successfully, you can pass additional return codes as arguments to the re-checkrc command and they will be translated to zero. For example:

    re-checkrc 2 15

    will set proc.rc to 0 if the return code is 0, 2 or 15, and to the actual return code otherwise.

    It is also possible to set the proc.error field with this command in case the return code is not zero (or is not given as one of the acceptable return codes). To do that, just pass the error message as the last argument to the re-checkrc command. For example:

    re-checkrc "Error ocurred."
    re-checkrc 2 "Return code was not 0 or 2."

Saving constants

To store a value in a process's output field, use the re-save utility. The re-save utility requires two arguments, a key (i.e. field's name) and a value (i.e. field's value).

For example, executing:

re-save quality_mean $QUALITY_MEAN

will store the value of the QUALITY_MEAN Bash variable in process's quality_mean field.


To use the re-save utility, add re-require common to the beginning of the algorithm. For more details, see :ref:`algorithm-utilities`.

You can pass any JSON object as the second argument to the re-save utility, e.g.:

re-save foo '{"extra_output": "output.txt"}'


Make sure to put the second argument into quotes (e.g., "" or '') if you pass a JSON object containing a space to the re-save utility.

Saving files

A convinience function for saving files is:


It takes two arguments and stores the value of the second argument in the first argument's file subfield. For example:

re-save-file fastq $NAME.fastq.gz

stores $NAME.fastq.gz to the fastq.file field which has to be of type basic:file:.

To reference additional files/folders, pass them as extra arguments to the re-save-file utility. They will be saved to the refs subfield of type basic:file:. For example:

re-save-file fastq $NAME.fastq.gz fastqc/${NAME}_fastqc

stores fastqc/${NAME}_fastqc to the fastq.refs field in addition to storing $NAME.fastq.gz to the fastq.file field.


Resolwe will automatically add files' sizes to the files' size subfields.


After the process has finished, Resolwe will automatically check if all the referenced files exist. If any file is missing, it will set the data object's status to ERROR. Files that are not referenced are automatically deleted by the platform, so make sure to reference all the files you want to keep!

Saving JSON blobs in MongoDB

To store a JSON blob to the MongoDB storage, simply create a field of type data:json: and use the re-save utility to store it. The platform will automatically detect that you are trying to store to a data:json: field and it will store the blob to a separate collection.

For example:

re-save etc { JSON blob }

will store the { JSON blob } to the etc field.


Printing a lot ot data to standard output can cause problems when using the Docker executor due to its current implementation. Therefore, it is advised to save big JSON blobs to a file and only pass the file name to the re-save function.

For example:

command_that_generates_large_json > json.txt
re-save etc json.txt


Do not store large JSON blobs into the data collection directly as this will slow down the retrieval of data objects.