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A Python script for password-protected tarballs


usage: [-h] [-p PASSPHRASE_FILE] [-a | -x | -l] [-r] [-n]
                    ARCHIVE [FILES [FILES ...]]

Python script that does encrypted archives of both files and directories.

positional arguments:
  ARCHIVE               Name of archive file to create/list/extract.
  FILES                 The file/directory to archive/(extract to). Not
                        recursive by default. Defaults to current working

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
                        Optional file containing passphrase to use for
  -a, --archive         Run in archive mode, default mode.
  -x, --extract         Run in extract mode.
  -l, --list            Lists the contents of an archive.
  -r, --recursive       Encrypt directories recursively.
  -n, --no-compression  Do not use compression (lzma is default) when creating
                        the archive.

Technical Description

EncrypTar uses AES in Galois/Counter Mode (GCM) to encrypt compressed tarballs generated by Python's tarfile module. Using AES in this mode provides both confidentiality and integrity to the data. The key for encryption is derived from a user-specified password using PKCS#5 PBKDF2.

The file format EncrypTar uses is as simple as possible. The diagram below shows the layout of EncrypTar files.

| Magic Bytes | Key salt | Nonce    | Tag      | Encrypted Tarball          |
| 0x25 0x24   |          |          |          |                            |
| 2 bytes     | 16 bytes | 16 bytes | 16 bytes | Variable length            |
  • Magic Bytes - Two bytes to identify EncrypTar files
  • Key salt - A random value to produce more random looking keys from passwords
  • Nonce - Used as an IV in AES-GCM to produce unique key-streams
  • Tag - Allows password-checking and integrity-checking
  • Encrypted Tarball - The ciphertext of the tarball of the user's files

There is a constant total of 50 bytes of overhead on the regular size of a tarball in this system.


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