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VSCode Octave Debug Adapter Extension (preview)

This is the an simple debugger adapter for Octave on Visual Studio Code


  • Breakpoints
  • Stacktraces
  • Variable inspections

Setup Guides

How to install octave and add to PATH. Ignore these if you have already done it.


First time setup

  • From menu, select Debug -> Add Configuration
  • Using Add Cofiguration button to add Octave: Launch to your launch.json (You don't need to add one if there is already one).
  • Your launch.json should looks similar to the following:
      "version": "0.2.0",
      "configurations": [
              "type": "octave",
              "request": "launch",
              "name": "Octave Debug Adapter(preview)",
              "exec": "octave-cli",
              "program": "${command:AskForProgramName}"

Windows Setup Guide

Install Octave

  • Download and install Octave from the offical website
  • Installing using the default options is highly recommanded unless you know what you are doing

Add to path

  • add the path of the dicretory containing the executale to the PATH

Return back to Setup Guides

MacOS Setup Guide

Option 1(recommanded): install via package manager:

  • Install brew. If you already installed brew, skip to next step.

    /usr/bin/ruby -e "$(curl -fsSL"
  • Open up the terminal and enter the following command to install octave via brew.

    brew update && brew upgrade
    brew install octave

Option 2: follow instructions on Octave Wiki

Option 2: build from source

  • build from scouce then add the path of the dicretory containing the executale to the PATH

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Linux Setup Guide

Option 1(recommanded): install via package manager. For example:

  • Open up the terminal and enter the following command:
    sudo apt install octave

Option 2: build from source

  1. build from scouce then add the path(for example, /usr/bin/octave) of the dicretory containing the executale to the PATH

Return back to Setup Guides

Release Notes


  • Inspect value of a variable by hovering over its name in VARIABLES in DEBUG window


  • Support debugging a file by right-clicking it


  • Add instructions for setting up the environment


  • Initial release of vscode Octave Debug Adapter extension
  • Support set breakpoints, stop on error, stacktraces, and basic variable inspection

Future work

  • Add support for all data type (only support 1D currently).
  • Add support for setFunctionBreakpoints.
