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blue Blue effects

Menno Knevel edited this page May 22, 2020 · 7 revisions

Older effects committed to BlueShare (of the program Blue by Steven Yi) do not always work out of the box and sometimes needs to be updated and/or expanded a bit. I reworked them and now meet my personal standard, they work/act just like all the effects i have committed to BlueShare in the past few years. And - more importantly - they should all work with the latest Blue.

Standardization of the effects:

  • rework i-rate to i(k-rate) if possible so Automation Lines become available
  • all effects have the same light blue color
  • 3rd party effects have the grey colro - see text below
  • all effects have on/off switch in upper left corner
  • all effects must be small but clear as they should not take up too much space (clutter)
  • description of the effect in Comments

Blue effects

The effects using "normal" Csound code have the turquoise color.

normal effects

3rd party effects, using Csound code from non- official sources like the ones from, and an opcode that allows the use of JSFX code (Reaper plugins), and some ladspa plugins implemented into Csound via the DSSI opcodes - they all have the grey color.

3rd effects

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