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OLED (I2C) Display Support

Timo Kokkonen edited this page Dec 21, 2023 · 2 revisions

BrickPico boards support I2C OLED displays via 4-pin connector.

Currently supported are generic OLED modules with SSD1306, SH1106, or SH1107 controller.

Supported Screen Sizes

Currently only 128x64 and 128x128 pixel display modules are supported.


OLED 128x64 layout


OLED 128x128 layout

Supported Displays

Currently most "generic" small (I2C) OLED modules should work.

Manufacturer Model Resolution Type Notes SYS:DISP command
Generic (SSD1306) 0.96" 128x64 OLED SYS:DISP 128x64
Generic (SSD1306) 1.3" 128x64 OLED SYS:DISP 128x64
Generic (SH1106/SH1107) 0.96" 128x64 OLED SYS:DISP 132x64
Generic (SH1106/SH1107) 1.3" 128x64 OLED SYS:DISP 132x64
Generic 1.5" 128x128 OLED SYS:DISP 128x128
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