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How I Run Theano on Windows 10

I couldn't get Theano to run natively on Windows 10 with Python 3.5, despite some helpful guides. Therefore, I used Docker to install and run a virtual Linux machine configured just for running theano. The steps for a new machine, adapted from here:

Installing the docker image

Install docker and get started with docker

To use docker, open the Docker Quickstart Terminal.

Install the Theano CPU docker image

docker pull kaixhin/theano

Customizing the docker image

Let's open the docker image

docker run -it kaixhin/theano

Now we're running bash inside the docker image. The prompt will look like:


Note the machine hash (the numbers between the @ and the :/#).

Now we install more stuff on top of this image and exit the image.

pip install ipython
pip install version_information
pip install notebook

Now, we save a snapshot of the image, so we don't have to re-install these packages. This is where the machine hash comes in:

docker commit -m "install ipython" -a "TJ Mahr" 81d18d tjmahr/theano

where -m is a commit message, -a is the author. These are followed by the image hash and the new name for the image.

Running iPython

Now, we can fire up the virtual machine image:

docker run -dit -v //c/Users/trist/theano:/media/disk -p 8888:8888 tjmahr/theano 

where -v x:y says to mount my Windows folder x in the location y in the virtual machine and -p 8888:8888 maps the virtual machine's port 8888 to the Windows machine's port 8888 available.

The machine is now running in the background. View its name:

docker ps

Open bash on the machine

docker exec -ti [docker-id] bash

where [docker-id] is the machine's CONTAINER ID or NAMES from the last step.

Inside the virtual machine, install ipython and open it in the mounted Windows folder:

cd media/disk
ipython notebook --ip='*'

Open another terminal and look up the IP address of the virtual machine:

docker-machine ip default

Go to the http://[docker-machine-ip]:8888 to open the Jupyter notebooks


Python notebooks of me deeply learning deep learning







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