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Selection Drag - JS/TS Mouse Drag Area Selection Library

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This is a very ✌ lightweight & simple library for selecting an area on mouse click and drag.


npm install selection-drag


  • Takes in a Container Element and sets up _selectstart, _selectend, _selected, and _removed events on it. _selectend gets the final list of selected elements, and _selected gets each selected one, whereas _removed gets each removed one.
  • Also takes in target css selectors for the elements you want selected. The selection container has an id of selectionRectangle if you need to use it to add a click off event.
  • Dynamically adds/removes the selection div and has a cleanUp method to restart selection, in addition to disable/enable methods to remove/add the above event listeners.
  • Right and center mouse clicks are ignored, and scrolling is taken into consideration.


Example using JS alone

  import selectionDrag from 'selection-drag';

  const contentRef = document.querySelector('.container');
  const sel = selectionDrag({ container: contentRef, targetSelectors: '.listitem'});

  sel.rect.addEventListener('_selectstart', e => console.log('started!'))
  sel.rect.addEventListener('_selectend', e => {
    const { selectedElements } = e?.detail || {};
    console.log(selectedElements); // use all *active selected elements
  sel.rect.addEventListener('_selected', e => {
     e.detail.addedElement.classList.add('active'); // add a class to that element
   sel.rect.addEventListener('_removed', e => {                                       
     e.detail.removedElement.classList.remove('active'); // remove the added class

  // other code such as container drop event listeners
  // remove & disable mouse selection area
  // sel.cleanUp();
  // sel.disable();

Example using React Hooks & TS

// you can import any name since it uses default exports.
import Selection from 'selection-drag';
  const selectionRef = useRef<ReturnType<typeof Selection>>();
  useEffect(() => {
    if (!selectionRef.current) {
      const currentContentContainer = document.querySelector('.container');
      const sel = Selection({
        container: currentContentContainer,
        targetSelectors: `.${dynamicClass}`
      selectionRef.current = sel;
      sel.rect.addEventListener('_selectstart', e => {
      // do stuff on select start.
      sel.rect.addEventListener('_selectend', e => {
        const { selectedElements }: 
          { selectedElements: Element[] | undefined } = e?.detail || {};
        // use all *active selected elements
      sel.rect.addEventListener('_selected', e =>
        // maybe add a hover class for each item selected
      sel.rect.addEventListener('_removed', e =>
        // remove the hover class for each item selected
  }, [YourDependencies]);
  // other code event listeners
  if (selectionRef.current) {
    // remove & disable mouse selection area

To support, Please 🌟 if you used / like this library!


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