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Salt detailed changelogs

This is where I'm compiling and storing detailed changelogs for saltstack. The release notes for salt generally include more high-level items and not necessarily every single change. It's also hard to correlate all release note items with issues they pertain to. The salt-users thread has more on why I started writing this to begin with.

Some of the releases are quite large and so these changelogs are quite large. I still like the details it provides, even though this is meant to be a starting point for generating a complete set of release notes. This is also like looking at changes with only a microscope... kind of hard to see the bigger picture.

salt-issues script

I'm including the script I use to generate these as well. It's a simple perl script, but it does use connection caching (so it only makes 1 ssl connection to github's API), it caches the issues (and PR) metadata locally (with ~3300 cached issues my cache file is ~14MB), so you can re-run the report and it doesn't have to re-fetch the issue data. This lets me test changes to the output formatting very easily.

The idea of the script is to work backwards from the actual commits. It takes the git diff output, looks for anything that looks like a pull request or issue reference, then goes to the github API to pull the main metadata for that. It then looks at the title of the issue as well as the body searching for any other issue references. It does not search all comments because that would be very resource intensive and probably include a lot more false positives.

At this point, it groups the changes by pull request (based on the git diff --graph indentations) and tries to include any references to other issues or other PRs. This allows someone to look at an individual commit and then go up the stack and hopefully find the originating issue or even related issues. It very much depends on issue references in commits or initial issue/PR submissions, though, so it's not perfect.

How you run it

The script assumes you're in your local clone of the salt repository. This script is relatively generic, so it could be used for other projects outside of saltstack, but currently has the saltstack github api endpoint hardcoded.

Before you can use it, you should really go create your own github api token or you'll pretty quickly hit the api limitations and everything will puke. I created mine with only the public_repo scope. Take your generated key and add it to a GITHUB_TOKEN env variable.

export GITHUB_TOKEN="insert_token_here"
git fetch upstream
perl ~/bin/salt-issues v2014.7.4..v2014.7.5 >details.rst

That's pretty much it. Pass it a set of changes like you'd pass to git log or git diff.

Example output

Here's an example run of when I generated the v2015.5.0 changes. And this is the legend for what each character means:

  • . = fetched issue from github api
  • , = issue was found in cache
  • + = found new issue referenced, added to next phase
  • s = saved full issues to cache (every 20 new issues will cause this)
$ perl ~/bin/salt-issues upstream/2014.7..v2015.5.0 >2015.5.0-detailed.rst
** START: upstream/2014.7..v2015.5.0

Got 979 cached issues
querying 2698 issues:
querying 359 issues:
querying 24 issues:
querying 3 issues:


Detailed changelogs for saltstack






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